Apr 21, 2011 00:11
I went to school early to check on my masks that I had in my molds from last Friday and the male popped out okay the female has a huge crack down her nose and wouldn't pop. I then when in for my second fitting for Joseph. I tried on a cute black with pink flower printed jumper that was too short in torso for Go, Go, Go Joseph so Susan and Sylvia had me try on a funky pair of blue and pink patterned pants with a tiny little pink laced top that is really cute and they fit fine. I then had to try on about 6 pairs of heels to find one (and I mean only one fit me out of all of them really) to got with that outfit. I now know that I have to dance in 4" heels for Go, Go, Go Joseph on the platform (no worries about he platform just dancing in heels other than character ones) but I have to go up and downstairs with them. GAH XP. lol I'll get it!
Here's why opossums are funny:
As I was driving home tonight on Gothard where it crosses Ellis I had to stop at a red, when it turned green I spotted a medium size opossum starting to cross the road in the lane to the right of mine. I knew that if it decided to run by the time I got to the other side of the intersection he'd be in my lane and I might hit him. I slowed down the stopped to let him pass.
As I stopped he reached the dashed white line at the corner of front bumper and without looking at me or freaking out it without missing turned a complete about-face and just walked right back to the sidewalk. It was so strange and effortless it just made me crack up. I love opossums. :)
Dream Last Night:
I was in Japan I think on a family vacation with my grandparents and Zeb like we use to do when we were little. We went to this HUGE HUGE HUGE aquarium where everything other than the floor was glass there were gigantic rays that swam though just vast amounts of dark water around you and above you, so vast that you could barely see the walls that enclosed the tanks. It honestly scared me how big and dark the waters were around me even though there was just enough light so you could see the aniamals swiming around. I mean these things were bigger than elephants! I thing about two bull elepanths could ride on there backs with room to spare. That should tell you how much water was needed to hold them. it was as if you were in the middle of the ocean in the deep dark depths and it FREAKED ME OUT! Just thinking about it right now gives me the willies. It isn't even the thought of it all coming crashing down on me either it's my closterphobia of small dark spaces that made me freak out.
We then got to a main part of the aquarium and I felt MUCH better then we watched some performance I can't remember. Then a Japanese woman dressed up as a Gashia sang the old My Little Pony theme song and told us about a fair that was going on in a park. We took a bus over there and it was a really pretty green park filled with cherry blossoms. There was a building with glass walls and inside the middle of it was a strange carousel which floor spiraled upwards into the middle, some of the horses were broken. I went inside to make sure I got pictures of it for Veronica. And when a group of us got onto it for a ride a couple of Centaurs got on to ride one stood behind a broken horse that was missing bits of its limbs and its head. The Centaur as it stood behind it completed the broken horse.
I then for some reason was sneaking around the building trying to get away from someone. All I know is that I was a spy and got on a that thing that takes up up that huge hill at Six Flags into the Asian themed part of the park to go somewhere and it all gets really fuzzy after that and I woke up. But I was scared that i was going to get caught as I was sneaking around the building.