Jul 07, 2004 17:53
idk im bored and felt like writing again... about wut not sure we'll see w/e comes out lol idk y but lately i haven't been listenin to music.... but i am right now and it really does get me in a better mood or w/e like not AS bored haha
ok so i was just lookin at this random kids profile lol and this made me laugh....
don't try and lose weight.... fat kids are harder to kidnap :D
lol SO ANYWAYS my mom left for the airport round 4:30 ish then my dads home now from takin her and when she left i had a really bad headache and felt puky haha but im all good now my dads makin tacos b4 him and my bro go to the /\/\/\/KISS\/\/\/\ concert so i gotta baby sit my sister tonight WOOPITY DO! lol w/e i'll b occupied BUT i gotta remember to watch MTV from like 9-11 hahah GOTTA REMEMBER GOTTA REMEMBER (doubt i will so if U remember... remind me!! please!) so ya hmmm wut else
i was thinking bout things i miss... and theres a whole never ending list lol and i wood start to talk about em or list them but if and when i do... i get in a depressed mood ... AND THOSE AREN'T FUN! lol so im not gonna... except like #1 on the list is... 8th grade but im not sayin any more lol or i'll never b able to stop talkin hahaah
im really excited for tomorrow night woop woop i <3 my pom gurlays weee sooo excited then camp on monday woo hoo! thats gonna b fun too yesssss la la la la la
so im listenin to Blink - All of This and i really like it... a lot lol FYI cuz ik u wanted to know! haha
so me n spam are mommy-less till sunday and amys gone at camp right now... so that knocks of two of the ppl i actually TALK to online lol grrr and jake's being a retard so don't wanna talk to that loser even if i wanted to he don't answer SO lol i've been talkin to amys bf nick until of course he says ((brb)) and then 10 minutes later signs off lol then i talk to michelle and all of ur lovers and mess w/ them so thats fun while it lasts and ummmm no one else really! i talked to this dude from vegas that i used to talk to all the time but now his puter is broked so i only talked to him for like minutes when he was at the lil internet cafe thinger lol WOO but ya!
idk i was gonna say something else but i've already sed quite alot! lol plus its time for supper right now TACOS!! =D yay sooo when/if i remember wut i was gonna say i'll write more until then muchos love yo! hahahahah