Jun 23, 2004 17:06

so this day was........ MESSED UP weird odd wow! lol spams bday!! yay and had practice and that went by super fast ((weird)) then came home and was callin sams house to sing ot her on her NON EXISTENT answerin machine(didn't know she didn't have one!! lol) but then my bro walks up to the door w/ a rag on his eye so i hang up and take care of that my sister thought he got shot w/ a paint ball gun but he hit his head on a tree fort thing on the way out of it idk! lol but ya it was liek borderline between needing stitches and not... so ya!

BRB--gotta shut the windows cuz its gonna storm! weeeeee!!!!

ok! so anyways so i called my dad and mom and they were both at work so they were tryin to decide which one of em wood come to take him to the hospital but its hard to describe a cut over the fone lol specially when its not ovbisou or not if it needs stitiches sooooo we just waited cuz it really wasn't bleeding it was just... bloody haha so ya my mom finally came home like and hour and a half after it happeend and it was fune and we just put a bandage on it and w/e lol so then at the same time of all this goin on the fone is ringin like crazy chelsea was gonna b comin over and me and my sister hadn't ate since FOREVER lol and its like 2 haha so we ate and started playin video games and then chelsea and kt came over me n chelsea signed eachothers year books and then she lefted to go back to kevans and now im here lol

on top of that hecticness the weather has been billions of things from like low 60's to 70's to cloudy --> blue skies --> POURING --> windy --> muggy lol the only thing it hasn't done is SNOW! im just waitin for a white snowflake to come down lol so ya this day has been crazy and tomorrow is thursday! holy crap lol got practice then goin to amys then to summerfest and stayin all night and then sleepin over at amys w/ jess then friday maybe goin to the park! yay and playin around HAVE NO CLUE wut im wearing to the concert on monday.... or tomorrow for that matter dunno wut the weathers gonna b like! ahhhhhh lol welllllll ya ima go for now HOLY CRAP its already 5 i feel like its still noon when my bro first showed up holdin his eye! hahah see ya!

(((sidenote))) my bros friends painted their nails like orange blue pink gold lol wut freaks right! and now its pouring out and his friend brandon ran out to the lil tree that was jus tplanted in our lil yard between the sidewalka nd road took a leaf from there put it in his mouth rand accross the street and put it on the other tree!!!!!!!! wth wow i feel like im in a dream this day is messed up! hahah
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