Feb 03, 2005 18:36
Today was an 'awesome' day...Ya.Woot.so.i just got off the phone with Erik.Lol.I thought I was calling my dad's hospital~!Oc is on in 20 mintues.......Yay omfg I have waited a whole week lol.In 1 hour it was okay sorta just boring cuz mr.reis needs some major anti depressants.2 period was just Logan and I *droools* lol jk.I miss max so much to day that damned KnaCKER!~!3 period Mrs.Garrett just gave us a lecture on attitudes.we laughed at joey cuz on the announcments when he did a gay voice.whatever.lol.Ya so then lunch we're hanging out and Mr.Lalhum comes up to me and pulls my backpack and started yelling at me cuz i supposedly called the new girls mom a stripper?Sure....Brittney Dittmer stared me down so i just waved 2 her lol.In math i walked in and Niquia was like why u let that bitch gave u shit...Im like okay im not gona get suspended for a lil girl who's a tattle tail when she cant get her facts straight!.....psh.....she's like u deserve to be expelled for talkin shit about my mom......im like hunny i dont know ur mom so wat eva~!lol.Logan walked in and he's like why r u talkin 2 her like that and shes like she was talkin shit about my mom or w/e hes like i didnt hear it so ur full of shit lol.....i love logan so much i couldnt expresss my hard feelins!!!!he's my besteststets friend.im talking 2 Brittney M happy early birthday my hunnie!lol.Talking to one of my wifes Mogan i miss her so much.*snivvels*..........and i miss cayla so much *sniivells grabs tissue* lol.I am still stoked i saw krissy yesterday.Steven just got on he wants me 2 goto his superbowl party.I watched the news 2 day gosh this is a fucked up world for shure.Come back logan wogan.In 8 period i hung with my favorite mexican *john* lol HE's gonna hook up with susy yaaaaayyyy!lol.HeyHEyHEy smooke Weed everyday lol....The last episode.I might goto the dance yaaay.so anyways idk oc is gona be on in liek 6 mins i have 2 bring brytt and janelle and hoover some stuff tommroow lol.i cant belive ethan said hi 2 dajana ewwwwy i love niqua lace tresha and kami they are so cool ima miss them next yeaaar!well maybe i shall go....so after school i just went 2 ummm desert trials with tommys mom and picked up the kids and my grandma saw tommys new house....woo hoo lol now oc is on 4 minutes....much love...ethan is messiah cows 4 a better life.....even better kill mrs conviser ill be ur best friend <3 love ya krissy ur my best friend.......3 more minutes