Jun 23, 2005 22:56
HeadbangXcore: biotch is numero uno on my list
hahaha nice! but dont kill him!
so things have been goin great lately except 4 like 2 or 3. now i have 2 ppl that wanna kill the same dude. hahah u guys kno who u r. now im lookin at the gasolina music video. lol. now the ying yang twins.
i have some weird pics that i might post in a week or so.
idk if i said this b4 but my uncle did sumthin 2 my mp3 he put it in ICE COLD WATER 2 times cuz he hates rock, rap, and that music and he was like i hate ur music so he stole it from me and when we were at the reaturant he put it in ice cold water. so it was workin but then a lot of water was commin out of it and the buttons werent workin but it was playin music then i turned it off. and then it never turned on again. so now he has 2 pay 4 it but thanx 2 my lyin abilities as a good mexican lol im gettin a free replacement in like 5 days cuz i told this agent it didnt work which was true but she/he never asked me y so yea its their fault so technicly i didnt lie. but im still gonna buy sum things 4 my mp3 and im gonna charge my uncle 4 whatever charges i can come up with. that same day he did that he left 2 mexico but he knows he better pay me. cuz he is my moms bro and i was like hey i have sumthin of yours. i have a palm that he bought wich he isnt gonna get till i c him again which is gonna b like till september or so. yea ill just sell it in the black market. lol jk. so i got this rap cds from sum dude *cough* no comment on that jazmine, danica or vida. and ive been listenin 2 rap.
oh and jazmine look sumthin i never thought i would hear connor said cuz yes i talked 2 him.
connor: yay katie is a fag 4eva
connor: she is the fag of america
yea i didnt put his real sn but i think u have it.