One movie has just made my night the most epic night of my life. I just.... can't believe it. If I ever happen to watch it again, I will never be able to keep a straight face. Well anyway, It's like a ritual or something for a movie to be playing while we eat dinner at my house and the movie that just so happens to be playing is one that was "redubbed" with various quotes/sound effects from a bunch of fantastic games.
I didn't actually know it was the same movie until I'm back in my room and my youngest brother comes running in, nagging at me to go and look at the television. So I go out there AND THE EXACT FIGHT SCENE (minus the hilarious dubbing) IS PLAYING. I JUST LOL'D SO HARD ON THE SPOT. TO THINK THAT MOVIE WAS IN MY HOUSE ALL THIS TIME AND I NEVER EVEN KNEW. xDD What's even more amazing is how my younger brother remembered the video when I showed it to him like.. over a year ago. Austism aside, I always knew he was a smart kid. =]
Epic video is epic. I just LOVE how one of the guys throws furniture and yells "HADOUKEN!!" XDDD *bust a fucking lung* Oh Terry Bogard, you're such an amazing idiot. AND, the part where he's like "ARE YOU OKAII?!?!?! *THROWS A GUY OVER THE BALCONY* BUSTAAAAAH WORUFU!!" L. O. L.
Kind of makes me want to play KOF again. Too bad I deleted the emulators that would allow me to do so. D': I miss Iori (yes, I was an Iori fangirl, Kyo just didn't do it for me. :/ Must've been the purple fire...) And K'. And Kula. And Athena. AND ASH CRIMSON, FFFFFFFFFFF. Athena was my favourite character back in the day because she had purple hair. I liked Kula because she had the coolest ice attacks......... what bias, lol? Ash Crimson is just Ash Crimson. He has freckles. And is crazy about nail art. 8D He paints his own nails and makes them all fancy and his attacks are named after the months, it's awesome. The thing with KOF is, you just can't win by button mashing as opposed to MK or SF, which is probably why I never seemed to win when I'd play with Vinnie and his friends.[/Talk probably nobody really understands but if I cared, I'd have deleted this by now~]
Speaking of Vinnie's friends, I saw two of them walk by my workplace the other day. I saw some guys who looked familiar and it never really clicked that I knew them until Lloyd Asplund waved and I did a double take. To be honest, I had forgotten all about Lloyd; we were never really that close. Acquaintances, you could say. Emo Chris was there too but he didn't wave. D':
The greatest news of all is that my brand-spanking new PC is completed. Eric kept me within budget of $1500, while maxing out as much as he could due to awesome connections with people. The HD is only 500GB, but I've got another external that's 500GB too, so it'll aaaaalll be okay if I ever manage to fill 'er up. All that's left before I get it, is to wait until my pretty new monitor arrives, and he'll drop it off at my house. But then begins the transferring of... everything from my old PC to my new one. It won't be difficult; just a hassle. D: After that though, it's all smooth sailing and I'll be able to tackle anything head on without worrying about my PC dying. <3333 I'm so excited.