so you think you can tell...

Aug 04, 2005 12:35

If i did the entire europe trip pictures all in one post, i'm pretty sure no one would ever talk to me again. there's a lot of pictures, so i'm going to post each city's pictures individually. so i guess i'll start at the beginning...

this is Heidelberg, Germany...

that's actually in Van Nuys, not Germany

that's Heidelberg

the English part of the castle

i'm telling you these Germans worship their beer

try to pronounce that

sheep with glowing eyes

the view from the hotel window

the weather was quite fitting..


you can see my reflection..kind of ruins it, but hey

where they slept

famous sculpture, it's people twisted in barbed wire

"Arbeit Macht Frei" means "Work Will Set You Free"'s trickery and sarcasm

that's all for now...more later!
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