(no subject)

Apr 08, 2006 13:24

Love.. Its not something you decide to feel, It not like.. 'o hes cute, I'm gonna like him' Its just happens, one day you'll see him, you've probably seen him many times before but for some reason this time is different. theres something there, something that you never realized before. You can't take your eyes off him, and you start to get this feeling in the pit of your stomach. It doesnt hurt but its like a sinking feeling and suddenly you feel sick. But then again you'll like this feeilng, because the feeling you get once he leaves will be so much worse. It will be an indescribable pain, and you'll just feel empty inside. You'll begin to look for him where ever you go, start dreaming about him at night. Every love song that you hear will make you think of him. Suddenly it will be harder to talk to him, and you wont understand why your words arent coming out right. You'll start over-analyzing everything you say to him, you'll think that everything you say sounds stupid. But, what ever he says to you will be just perfect. you see him differently than everyone else, the room will light up whenever he walks in, and everything is always better when he's there.. You'll find him someday and the feeling will be amazing.. I just hope that it works out better for you than it did for me, I hope he finds you too - Sara Anne (c)

mhmm, pretty much ♥
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