(no subject)

Apr 04, 2006 19:56

The Rules:

- look at your top 3 friends listed on your Myspace
- Don't change them!!
- Enter their names in order under "list your top 3"
- Be honest
- Repost this so your friends can do it too.

List your top 3
1. nic.
2. dree.
3. ktran.

1. Are you older than number 1?

2.Who did you comment last?

3. If you were to go to 6 flags would you take 1?

4. If you were crying would 3 cheer you up?
of course she would.

5. If you found out that 2 and 1 were going out how would you react?
ha. hahahaha.

6. Which of your top 3 is your best friend?
niccccccccccccc. the other toooo though ;]

7. Have you hugged anyone in your top 3?
psht no they have cooties. hehe.

8. How long have you known 3?
6th grade, mrs. mazziotti.

9. Have you ever wanted to kill number 2 in your top ?
hahaha yes.

10. Who have you known the longest?
nic, duh. shes the sister.

11. Who have you known the least?

12. Who would you want to hug next?
none of them. god i already said, they have cooties.

13. who did you talk to on AIM with last?

14. Who did you go to the movies with last?
kath & dree.

15. Have you gotten "sexual " with 3?
duh. haha.

16. Has 3 ever spent the night at your house?

17. When was the last time you talked to 2?
like ten minutes ago.

18. Do you love any one on your top 3?
mhmmm. all of em.
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