(no subject)

Aug 16, 2005 15:22

Been workin ALL weekend.

Friday- 9-5

Saturday- !0-6

Sunday- 11- 7

Then they decided i was doin the open on Monday :| so Brandon stayed<3 and we went and visited paul coz he got bottled when he was walking home from the dilli on sat nyt. his face is actually fuked.So the next day we were up at 5 oh yesh 5 in the mornin wat the fuk is that about? he drove me to work and i started at 6. Me n kezz had a gd banter *dance lyk no1s watchin* to the shitty music mcds plays loool. So then Amanda came in at half 11 to finish ma shift so that i cld go down to school. Manager begged me to come bk afta school. So went to see Mr murray ended up pickin

Column A-  Adv history

Column B- Computing Higher

Column C- study period

Column D - English Higher

Column E- Business mgt Higher

Columns were fukin pish. anyone else got a study period in column C? Saz plz have it.. So left school at about 1 and went bk to work til 4:( Me n Sean left work and i went to el bus stop n he cycled home. Got in and Brandon<3 foned n asked me to stay wif him once he got bk from uniiiiit. So i fell asleep for a bit then at 10 ma dad woke me n ehh i goes like this to him "put hash browns down" i have mcdonalds in the fukin brain. Then he was lyk ummm? n i goes wake me up at half 10 im still tired. So then he wakes me up again and u kno that wee screen i have wif all the orders on it n stuff? well if u leave it to long it goes off. so i thought my screen was off and i turned my tv on:| to see wat order i was waitin on. My dad was actually pissin himself. im so derranged seriously. So brandon foned from pauls hoose n he came and picked me up. Went to his and he went for a bath coz he was reekin of shite haha. Then we watched films n fellded asleep. He woke me this mornin n i was deed then we got up n i listened to his ipod and washed his face wif face wipes haha *these r cool*  loool Then we ate revels and i foned the maw to come pick me up.Saz where r yae?

im goin to my aunties tonight coz its her 40th:) wee cutie. on sat iv got ma wee cuzins bday in stirling *bouncy castle haw wiiiiiiit* n then my aunties 40th partee at nyt<3 shall b beast.

Oh aye school on Thursday. Feck off.

~A song for a broken heart~
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