
Jul 06, 2010 00:18

So I might be expecting again. I technically should not be pregnant because Pat and I have been very cautious about preventing pregnancy with me taking a birth control pill and the past couple of weeks since I used up the last of my pills, we have used other protection. But I am worried the pill failed us. It was a special pill for breastfeeding moms and well.. I was still breastfeeding him a little the past couple months, but only 1-2x a day. I would think that would make the pill less effective. My doctor told me at my 6 week postpartum appointment to switch to a stronger pill once I stopped breastfeeding.

The possible early pregnancy symptoms I have been experiencing that bring back memories of my first month pregnant with Connor: sore nipples, exhaustion, dizziness, nausea, poor appetite, craving sweet/salty things, more trips to the bathroom, unable to sleep on my stomach anymore, etc. I don't have a missed period as a symptom because I have not had my period since November 2008 (before I got pregnant with Connor). If I *am* pregnant, I would probably be due in March 2011. Would be cool.. That's my anniversary month so maybe we would have an anniversary baby! But on a serious note, this is really bad timing for another baby. Even though I do want another baby now, we are not in a good financial situation for TWO children. It's hard enough with one! We would qualify for assistance, but I hate having to ask for welfare ugh. And this would mean I would have to quit my job and find something closer to home and send both children to a daycare nearby that accepts DHS subsidy because no way in hell could I afford to pay full price for TWO kids in daycare! And we could not live off Pat's income, so being a stay-at-home mom would unfortunately not be an option. :( I would love to be a stay-at-home mom, though. Maybe I could find a daycare job that would give me free childcare... Hmm..

I talked to my mom about how I have felt lately and she thinks I am pregnant again, too. She actually was suspicious that I'm pregnant before I was. I got a stomach bug earlier this week and my mom seemed to think that meant I was pregnant. My mom and dad were both really supportive either way so I dearly love them for it! That made me feel a lot more calm about if I am pregnant. Now I kind of hope I am because the challenge of having two under two excites me and I think an 18-19 month age gap would be perfect for Connor and a sibling! And we still have all of Connor's toys, clothes, etc. from when he was a newborn, so we would not have to buy much for a new baby and the newborn care would be fresh in our memories. Is it so bad that I already have favorite baby names for a boy and girl? Lol. For a boy, I love the name Dillon Patrick. For a girl, I love the name Avery Paige.

Guess I will find out in the next few weeks if I *am* indeed pregnant.

In other news, work is going great! I love love love my job. We have a full class now in my 12-18 month old classroom. 12 kids! 5 are part-time and 7 are full-time.

Goldie is super! I have not gotten to see her much in the past month, but Connor and I went out there on Saturday and Sheril watched Connor for me while I groomed and rode Goldie in the indoor arena. She was great! They have taken such great care of her. She has built up muscle and weight (I thought her topline needed to fill out a little more) and now we are just going to maintain her weight. They gave her a bath on Friday which I thought was very generous of them! Goldie and Calliope are still attached to each other like glue. So cute! <3

And more happy news, our financial situation is getting much better. All our bills got paid last month (late, but they got paid and the late fees were not horrible) and I was able to pay rent and all of our bills except for our phone bill (At&t) on time this month! Pat started working at Radioshack finally last week and he loves his job so far! It is such a relief to finally both be working. This is the first time we have both been working since last July! So a year...

Back to work tomorrow after a 3-day weekend (I love getting paid holidays at work!). Should be fun!
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