Busy week, relaxing weekend!

Apr 25, 2010 22:59

Wow, I thought I had updated more recently than Monday, but I guess not! A lot of stuff has gone on this week.


I am getting into the groove of things at my new job but I have a love/hate relationship with my new job already. I LOVE working in my classroom with the 12-18 month-olds. However, I have worked in other classrooms more than my own classroom so far! Monday, I was in my classroom the whole day except that first half hour or hour when I was in a pre-school room. Then Tuesday and Wednesday my co-worker Heather was sick (assistant teacher in the pre-toddler classroom next to mine with the 18-24 month olds) so I worked in that classroom both toys. I LOVED working in that classroom, too. Kind of wish I normally worked there.. Then Thursday I worked in my classroom part of the day but had to give two teachers lunch breaks so I was in two preschool rooms during nap time (I had to put kids to bed in one of the rooms and in the other one the kids were already sleeping so I did some prep work for the teacher). Then Friday was the day from hell.. I had to work in the freakin' toddler room all but one or two hours! I hated that room. The kids did not listen and it was just overall an awful experience. I hope I don't have to work there again.. :S So basically I feel like a substitute teacher right now. I never know which room I am working in until I get there. And the reason for all this craziness? We are still at/under ratio in my classroom with only 5-6 kids depending on the day (1 to 6 ratio) and I am the assistant teacher so the lead teacher stays and I go where they need someone extra. And I have found out co-workers call in sick all the time and turnover is high. GREAT. Just what I wanted to hear... I am also irritated about how certain protocols do not seem to be followed by all staff. Like you are supposed to wash the kids' hands every time they come in from the playground and after diaper changes, etc. and that does not get followed by anyone I have seen except for my co-teacher. Also, you are supposed to sanitize the changing table inbetween kids and it seems like that does not get followed either in a lot of cases. I think it depends what room you are in, though. I feel like Sabrina and I are both really good about cleaning the classroom and our kids.

I have decided to stick with the job until the right thing comes along closer to home, though. I am REALLY crossing my fingers I hear back from the Goddard School that is opening this summer in Jenks, which is right across the river from me (only a couple miles away!). That would be perfect because I do love the Goddard School in general (I think it varies from school to school) and maybe Connor would be able to get a spot at the new Goddard School and I would get to work in the infant room! That would be SO awesome. I would be happy in the first steps room (the one I am in now) or the pre-toddler, too, though. I love infants/young toddlers the most!


This week went super great having Amanda watch Connor! So great that I decided to call the home daycare and let her know Connor will not be going there after all. Amanda and I agreed that she will watch Connor until she starts working at Camp Tallchief in a few weeks. That should give me time to find him a daycare close to work so I don't ever have to worry about not getting to his daycare before the scheduled closing time or having to drop him off so dang early. I trust Amanda with Connor completely. He is always so happy when he is at her place! He is supposedly really good for her, and I believe it. Tomorrow Connor gets to have a playdate with Vincent, the 7 month old she watches. He will love that!


I am pretty sure Goldie is coming down here Mother's Day weekend! Hopefully on the Saturday! She just got her vaccines, coggins, and health certificate done today so she is all ready to go! Woohoo! And it sounds like the Ecks are going to buy Remedy Ann, so that is a big relief for me!


Con-man turned 8 months on Friday! He has slept really well this week with his busy daycare schedule. He let me sleep in until 9:30 yesterday and 10 a.m. today, too! Sooooo nice! The exciting news with Connor is that he is cutting his first tooth now! Last night I was feeling his gums and noticed a very sharp razor blade on the bottom middle. The white cap is visible if you look closely, but it still needs to cut through the gums a lot more. He has been crabby as heck about the tooth business, but I bet it pops up this week sometime! I am just so thrilled he is finally getting a tooth! We had a great weekend spending quality time together. Yesterday we went for a walk to the playground by us and I pushed him in the baby swing and let him watch some kids on the playground. There was a little girl who kept pestering us (pretty sure she was autistic or something.. She was not all there if ya know what I mean.. And I never saw anyone supervising her either! Weird..) but I was nice to her and Connor loved her. I let her push him in the swing but she wanted to play with his stroller and that's where I drew the line! She also wanted to hold Connor but no way in hell was I letting her! He is freakin' heavy for one! Anyway, on our way back to our apartment, I set up a quilt with some of Connor's toys in a pretty grassy area overlooking the river and set Connor on the quilt for some photo opportunities. I got some gorgeous pics of him! They seriously look professional-quality! Made me feel a little better about not having any professional photos of him. Anyway, we also went to Target last night and I bought three polo shirts for work, submitted some photos of Connor for printing, bought two picture frames for the photos to set up at work (we are supposed to make our classroom look homey by putting up pictures of us with our family, pets, etc.), and Pat bought some things for himself.

Today, Connor and I went for another walk and after that we went to check out the pools at our apartments. We were going to go swimming since it was nice outside, but the pools were both freezing! Way too cold for Connor to go in. I would have sucked it up and gone in, but not with Connor. Oh well. I dipped my feet in the water and let Connor watch the other kids for a while. He loved it! Then Connor and I ran to Target and picked up our prints and went to Walmart so I could buy some more diapers, a sippy cup, bottle brush for when Amanda watches him, use our WIC vouchers for baby food, and buy some food for my lunches this week.


Still don't have my truck back. :( But the guys at the shop said they are just waiting for my new bumper to come from Nebraska and when it comes, it will be quick and easy for them to finish. They thought no later than this Wednesday. The good thing that has come out of having my truck at their shop is that Pat got a job with them a week or two from now. He is going to tile their shop and will make $650 off it!

Anyway, I better get going so I can take a shower and go to bed! Sooo tired!
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