Yesterday was awful but today was great!

Apr 10, 2010 23:19

Just a little update...


Started off decent. I had orientation at work at 9 a.m., so I brought Connor to my friend Amanda's around 8:10 a.m. so she could watch him during orientation. Orientation went great! Got to see my classroom and my kids and fill out some paperwork, watch training videos, etc. Hung out with Amanda for a couple hours once I was done with orientation. Connor was super for her (played a lot, took a nap, ate baby food, drank a bottle, etc.) and she said she would watch him any time for me! I tried to pay her but she would not accept, so I plan to do something for her in the near future.

After Amanda's, Connor and I went home and I ate and cleaned a bit, relaxed, took Connor to check the mail and visit the office ladies, and then I decided I better turn in Connor's daycare forms for the home daycare. So we went to the home daycare and socialized a bit with the woman and kids. WELL, that's when the good day turned into an awful one. Connor and I got in a car accident pulling off of Trenton (st the daycare is on) onto Riverside (the road right along our apartments). I for some reason thought there were three lanes, but there were only two and so I pulled out (right turn) and there happened to be a car there when I was turning and I side swiped her. It could have been so much worse and thank God no one was injured but still.. Both of our vehicles suffered damage and were not driveable after the accident. My front bumper was barely hanging on (most of it was ripped off) and some of the bumper was dragging under my truck (the reason it was not driveable). The other woman's grand am was smashed up from the front right headlight to the front passenger's door with the mirror broken (hanging down), front right headlight broken, flat tire, etc. No damage to any of the doors, though. The woman has a 3-year-old son who was with her in the accident. We were both so relieved our boys suffered no injuries and they were both really good while we were handling the accident with the police, etc. I ended up getting a $150 ticket for my unsafe turn, but it could have been worse I guess. The cops said there were 12 freakin' accidents within a 3-mile radius! Crazy or what?! Anyway, a wrecker came and picked up both vehicles and I hit it off with the woman I collided with and her mom was nice and picked up all four of us and dropped Connor and I off at our apartment! They recommended an auto body shop to take the truck to on Monday, too, so I plan to call on that on Monday. I made a claim with my car insurance company after the accident and handled all that fun stuff.

On a happy note, I found out today that we got our state tax return back yesterday! That means Goldie can come down to Oklahoma as soon as she gets her vaccines, coggins, and health certificate done! I can't WAIT to have my Goldie girl back with me! <3 It is looking like a Minnesota Horsecity member is going to haul Goldie (and my horse tack) to Missouri for us (us paying her for her gas mileage, etc.) and we will meet up in Missouri and transport Goldie the rest of the way to Tulsa! That will be such a big help.. We just do not want to do a round trip to Minnesota any time soon. Not with Connor at his age.. Especially with the horse trailer. A one way trip is not nearly as bad.


Had a busy but GREAT Saturday! Got a bunch of cleaning done at our apartment (cleaned the chinchilla's cage, the living room, kitchen, bedroom, Connor's bathroom, etc. Threw out boxes that Pat was using for his projects -finally- and organized bookshelves and kitchen shelves). Also went to lunch at McAlister's, Border's books (bought Connor a few books that were on sale and Pat bought a cookbook), went grocery shopping at Walmart (Pat and I also bought new boots for him and shoes for me - I need some nice clean shoes for my new job), and we got to try SmashBurger for dinner (Oh my gosh that was good food!), and a couple of other places.

This evening, a nice young woman named Lola came over with her boyfriend and 2-year-old daughter, Cassidy. Lola called me last night because she had seen my posting on craigslist offering part-time babysitting (working around my work schedule at the Goddard School). We talked a lot about it last night on the phone, but we actually had her come see us and our apartment tonight so she could make sure she was comfortable having Cassidy come here, and I am for sure going to be watching Cassidy twice a week starting this Monday! I am super excited! Cassidy is such a sweet, adorable little girl. She actually suffers from spina bifida, so she has leg braces and is not developmentally on schedule. She is only army crawling (does not walk yet) and her muscles "down there" don't work very well so she cannot control bowel movements. She does not require special care, though. And she totally won me over right away! That dazzling smile of hers, soft voice, and gorgeous red hair did the trick! Lol. Connor seemed to love her, too! And she loves our cats and vice versa ha ha. I will be watching her on Monday evenings and Saturday afternoons just for a couple hours at a time while her mom teaches dog training classes nearby. This will be a little bit of extra income for me, plus I think it is great experience for childcare and also a great way to get to know another mom around my age and have a playmate for Connor!

Anyway.. That's pretty much the news here. Tomorrow our plan is to go to the zoo! This will be Connor's first visit to a zoo! Can't wait to see what he thinks. :) I think he is finally at that age where he will be interested in the zoo animals. Not that he will remember this zoo trip when he is older, but he will enjoy it at the time. Guess I better go get some sleep. I am exhausted!
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