Jun 14, 2006 21:34
sorry i haven't updated in a while...
last week...
♥tuesday and wednesday- savannah was over and we just went swimming and layed out in the sun it was quite relaxing.
♥thursday-sarah and alicia cam over and swam. that was fun we went swimming till like 10:30 then we got out and went on the trampoline until it kinda broke but we fixed it. then we went inside after a while and then went to bed.
♥friday- sarah and alicia went home and then we had the parade. saraha and alicia and savannah came over after to swim but it was storming so we watched a movie instead.
♥saturday- sarah and savannah went home. i went to danielle's house. omg so much fun there i can't even describe it.
♥sunday- had a carwash for bandfront. that was fun.
♥monday- had minicamp from 9-4:30 that was very tiring, then i went to karli's house after to swim. that was fun.
♥today- had minicamp again which was hard, boring, and tiring. then i went to subway after then came home did some stuff and then practiced bandfront a little now i am on here.
♥tomorrow- i have minicamp again but it is the last day which is really great. then after i am going over my love danielle's house and sleeping over there. that should be great cause i love her.
♥comment pleaseeee