Feb 15, 2006 07:39
Wow its 9 degrees out side. Ive been inside for 10 min now and my hands are still simi frozen. Today were watching a movie in math and we have a sub in english. So today should be a good day. How was everyones V day? Mine was interesting. Well i was really mad cuz i had a ton of h/w to do and well guess were my mom made me go...TO A SCOTTISH SNOOZ FEST!! it was like a bunch of guys in skirts playing the bag pipe and the person on the PA system was like one of thoe borning pople on NPR news. So i was so bord, So i turned on the Olympics and watched that instead. but mens skating was on. How exciting is that? So then i got home did my h/w and went to bed pretty early. I was in a bad mood. So i didnt want to rune everyones night so i just went to bed. I had a really weird dream but i cant exactly remember what it was about. So yup thats helpful. I really missed everyone yesterday. At one point i was like ahh i cant take this anymore and went in the bathroom after lunch and cried a little bit. I realllllly misssss You guys !!!
But i know that i can call anytime and you guys will be there 4 me. So that made me feel a little better. Hows school going you ask. Well its pretty darn boring. Im gonna go now much love you guys *kiss kiss*