Stay away from jazz and liquor and the men that play for fun...

Sep 26, 2003 08:38

Mm the bus keeps skipping Archmere. Poor girl. Still the bus is the most relaxing time of my morning. Sit back, listen to my <3 Chicago <3 soundtrack and my Lacuna Coil and my From Autumn To Ashes and my Dashboard. And Sedgwick (a.k.a Smeagle) my dear MP3 player. Musical mornings are the way to go.
He ran into my knife. He ran into my knife 10 times
So I'm in the library now. Should be reading Chem, AP, whatever. Kane-Smith can completely drive herself off a cliff, I can't stand Theology anymore.
"Lauren do you have prayer ready?"
"I don't pray."
::completely ignores my comment::
"There's so many prayers online! Do a search and you can find anything ::giggles enthusiastically::"
In my imaginary world I would scream in her face. But I just waited until she left the room. They think I should tell her I'm atheist. I think that will destroy my grade. And I'm sorry I don't want to FAIL a guaranteed A class. You answer every question Jesus and you're good to go. And you have to sit there trying not to freak out when she preaches her pro-life opinions. Bite me, fucking fanatic.
I really want this shirt that says "Jesus is my homeboy." Wearing it on a dress down day.

I'm still falling asleep all the time. Why? Who knows. I'm dying, probably. Jakki, take my room, Ursuline girls take my laptop, divide the rest of my assets and party on.
I had an essay to write last night. It was due Monday. But I can't stay awake long enough to write it. Dylan called from good old Nashville. Argued whether it was an hour behind there... somehow I screwed up my mental picture of the US.
But I know Europe damn well! Thank you AP.
I'm completely rambling. Why? I'm bored. My friends are like "Whoa, I thought Lauren was actually doing work for a second! Oh my god! But she's writing in her journal."
Lefler: Slacker number 1, present.
She's got the right idea of me. But who gets the A's? Me, bitch. So don't complain. I'll do it when I feel like it.
Sun Valley thing tonight. Tail gating band majigger at 7 with Melissa. Football game (oh the joy of barbaric boys throwing themselves on each other) and the dance.
Just now-
Alli: What's all over the back of your laptop?
Lauren: Uh. Tic-tacs?
Alli: It looks like SPOOGE!
Sam: Is that even a word?
Alli: Spoogey Shirajy (Shirah=Sam's boyfriend)
Lauren: Shhhh Esposito's gonna pop a cap in our ass.
We have this tyrannical librarian who likes to exile us to the hallway. DAMN HOODLUMS.
After wasting this entire period to LiveJournal, I should go. But I won't.
Did I mention I bought a Trix shirt? Yeah I did but let's stress the coolness of that.
Silly rabbit.
Erica has boobs and I don't. How completely unfair is that. It's alright, I've learned to accept it. Geeze so does Alli. And Sam. And the only non-boobed person at this table? ::points to self:: That'd be me.
::sigh:: Ok.
I think I can name a Lauren with a last name for every letter in the alphabet.

P.S.-If anyone has an LJ code they would like to give me, please do. I despise this username.
::doesn't know what she was thinking::
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