Stole this from Adrienne

Aug 27, 2003 23:18

Name: Lauren
Nickname(s): La, Laur, or any insulting thing you've heard
Do you like guys or girls? Guys only
Siblings: a dirty man.
What are you wearing right now?: PJs
Sex: female
Righty or lefty: I write with my toes.

Long or short hair: short preferably
Tall or short: tall
Six pack or muscular arms: Oh. ::lick:: both.
Hat or no hat: love hats. love them. LOVE.
Ears pierced or not: I love piercings even more than hats.
Dimples?: who cares. as long as theirs piercings.
Stubble or neatly shaven: doesn't matter
Studly or cutie: depends

Chocolate or white milk?: white
Root beer or dr pepper: I hate soda.
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O creeps me out
Skiing or boarding?: boarding
Day or night: night
Summer or winter?: winter
Cake or pie?: cake
Silver or gold?: gold
Diamond or pearl?: diamond
Sunset or sunrise?: sunset
Have you ever broke/sprained/fractured a bone?: yeah
Do you have any piercing?: no =(
What is your favorite color?: red
Do you wear any rings?: I used to wear two and never took them off. ::ahem:: Now I only have one. Don't ask.
Do you have a crush on someone right now?: crush? you might call it that.
Whose your quietest friend?: dallas, when she wants to be

Missed school cuz it was raining: I'm only happy when it rains
Put a body part on fire for amusement: If hair counts, hell yeah.
Kept a secret from everyone: sure
Had a crush on a teacher: lmao. That sub gym teacher in second grade.
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Moses in The Prince of Egypt. Oh god. Break me off a piece of that. I'm dead serious.

Shampoo: That Pantene volumizing whatever
Soap: No clue. Dove?
Foods: Chocolate
Ice Cream: Double Fudge Brownie that Ben and Jerry's makes
Subject : Art
Drink(s): Iced tea?

Hair is: Pulled back and curly from work
I'm feeling: Alone
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
Thinking about: someone
Listening to: kansas. yeahhh.

Cried: definitely
Worn a skirt: no
Met someone new: sure. I meet new people at work all the time
Cleaned your room: organized a little
Done laundry: no
Drove a car: permit in two weeks, baby

Yourself: rarely
Your friends: haha I don't have many
Santa Claus: of course
Tooth Fairy: only the one that kills
Angels: maybe
Ghosts: definitely

FRIENDS AND LIFE (and stuff that didn't fit under any of the other catagories)
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I don't know
Like anyone?: More than like
Who's the shyest?: Hm I don't know
Who's the weirdest: Me, I scare my friends
Who do you go to for advice: Whoever is there
When did you cry the most: In my whole life? Last week
Name something you don't like: You =)
Keyboards, bass, guitar, or drums?: Everything.
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