(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 22:01

i've defnitly been out in a sad mood. i was talking to my friend/crush and all and i get mixed messages from him. it's tearing me up inside cause i don't know how to feel about him anymore. i don't even know how to explain how i feel right now. i don't even know how i feel. it feels like he takes every question i ask the wrong way and wants to put a barrier up so i don't like him, but the next minute he'll flirt with me? god do boys suck. and they say that we're difficult. i hope i find a guy down in florida cause right now the guys here aren't pleasing me to much.

anyways, maybe i'll just look at dougie and get all 'weeee' again haha. see everyone next saturday when i come back with lots of pictures and stories!! haha toodles!


Hair Color- brown
Eye Color- hazel
Height- 5'8
Six Pack? - forming
Facial Hair - eh no
Long or Short Hair - in the middle
Glasses - nope
Piercings - 3
Scars - a few on my legs
Big Bushy Eyebrows or Straight Hairs - what?
Big Butt or Little - uhh... middle?
Chest Hair - no
Buff or Skinny - i dunno
Straight Teeth, Gap, or Braces - straight cause of the beautiful work of braces

Funny or Serious - both
Should he cook or bake - whats the difference?
Should he have a best friend - yes
Should he have a lotta girlfriends - no
Outgoing or Shy - both
Sarcastic or Sincere - both
Should he love his mother? - sure why not
Should he watch chick flicks - it would be kinda weird... but sure why not
Phone person? - no
Would he be a smoker - doesnt matter
Would he drink? - doesnt matter, just as long as he's not abusive
Would he swear - everyone does
Would he be a virgin - doesnt matter
One or more girls at a time - no!
Would he pay for dates - ya
Does he kiss on the first date - just a peck
French or Friendly Peck - friendly peck
Would he pick you up? - sure
Where would you go to dinner? - doesnt matter
Bring you flowers - sure
Write poetry about you - no!! i'd feel to akward lol
Cll you hunny, sweetie, or baby? - sure
Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends - yes
Would you hang out with him and HIS friends - yes
When he hugs you, where are his arms - hipsm that region
Will he walk you to the door at the end - yes

PDA Level
Holding Hands - yes
Long Embraces - yes
Short, Sweet Kisses - yerp
Neck Kissing - nothing over the top
Forehead Kissing - awww yes!!
Would he Sing - yerp
Play Guitar - no
Play Piano - no
Play Drums - yerp
Clean his room - would i even be in his room?
Paint, Draw, Sculpt - no
Writes His Own Music - yes
Think's Justin Timberlake is Gay - i dont care
Boxers or briefs - boxers
Use the word dude - not allllll the time
Use the word tight - NO!
How old is he - around my age
What kind of car does he drive - what ever can get us from point a to point b

section 1 - b a s i c s
1. Name: Caitlin
2. Nicknames: Cait, Caitie, Caitie Beth
3. Feet size: 8
4. Do you have a crush? yes
5. Boyfriend: wanting one
6. Age you act: uhh.h......
7. Where Do You Live: down south in Jersey!
8. Where you want to live: England
9. Birthplace: Somers Point
10. Favorite Salad Dressing: french or italian
11. Ever gone skinny dipping? yes
12. What are you watching? the computer screen
13. Last person you talked to: sean
14. Favorite movie: stand by me, peter pan, girl next door
15. Favorite Book: Holes
16. Favorite Type of music: anything
18. Favorite Saying: woah there
19. Favorite Fast Food: BK
20. Favorite Ice Cream: cookie dough
21. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: strawberry dacari
22. When Do You Go To Sleep: when i want to biotch
23. Most Embarrassing Moment: to many
24. Stupidest Person you know: will remain nameless
25. Funniest Person you know: wow, to many
26. Favorite holiday: halloween, xmas, my bday
27. Favorite Food: french fries
28. Favorite Song: Letters To You - Finch
29. Favorite Television Show: Summerland, Laguna Beach
30. Favorite Radio Station: 99.3, 102.7
31. Favorite junk food: cheez its
32. Favorite love song: i dunno
33. Favorite Drink: water or dr. pepper
34. Favorite article of clothing: shirts
35. Favorite Animal: dolphins

section 2 - f u t u r e
1. Where You Want To Live: england or NYC
3. How Many Kids You Want: 2
4. What type of Job do you Want: acting/dancing
6. Pets? dog
7. Car? doesnt matter

section 3 - h a v e y o u e v e r...
1. Done Drugs: OH SNAP!
2. Run Away From Home: wanted to
3 Hit A girl: yes?
4. Lied: like.. who hasnt?
5. Stolen Anything: no
6. Broken A Bone: no
7. Cheated On A Test: yes and i didnt even know it
9. Gotten Drunk: OH SNAP!
10. Been With Two guys/girls At Once: no!
11. Been In The Hospital: visited
12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: not technically
13. Fell asleep in the shower/bath: yes
14. Gone to Church: only a few times
15. Never slept during a night: yes
16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: yes
17. Been to a camp: yes
18. Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: no
19. Seen someone die: no
21. Didn't wash your hair for a week: yes
22. Broken something valuable: yes
23. Ever been in love: don't know
24. Streaked the streets: ..........
25. Screamed at someone for no reason: yes
26. Said I love you and meant it: maybe
27. Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: defnitly
29. Pulled a prank? maybe
30. Made fun of someone? who hasnt

section 4 - w h i c h i s b e t t e r
2. Cats Or Dogs: dogs
3. DVDs or VHS: DVDs
4. Deaf Or Blind: blind
5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: pools
7. CDs Or MP3's: Cds
8. Apples or oranges: oranges
9. Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
10. Gold or silver: silver
11. Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
12. Movies or music: BOTH!
13. Park or Beach? BOTH
14. Hot or Cold weather? cold
15. Sunset or Sunrise? sunset

section 5 - w h e n i s t h e l a s t t i m e y o u . .
1. Took a shower: yesterday
2. Cried: last week?
3. Watched a Disney movie: dont remember
4. Given/gotten a hug: today from timmy
5. Been to the movies: woah..... um... last june?
6. had a boy/girlfriend: year ago
8. Said I love you: no one
9. danced: today in dance
10. did a survey like this: psh i dunno

section 6 - w h a t i s ....
1. Your Fondest Memory Of This year: skinny dipping with katie and steph
2. Your Most Prized Possession: dont have one
3. The Thing That Makes You The Happiest: dancing/singing hanging out with friends
4. Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: i dunno
5. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: cheesesteak

section 7 - s o c i a l
1. best guy friend: roger, timmy, todd, chris
2. best girl friend: jessie, katie, steph, kim, christina, ashely
5. are u center of attention or wallflower: wall flower
8. do u have a job: no
9. like being around people: sometimes
10. hobbies:dont feel like typing it all out lol

section 9 - l o v e
1. have u ever loved someone u had no chance with? yes DOUGIE AND DANNY!
3. do u have a "type" of person u always go after: skater guys
4. want someone u don't have right now? DOUGIE OR DANNY!!! AHH!! and someone who i wont name cause he reads this
5. ever liked a close guy/girlfriend? yes
6. are u lonely right now? yes
7. ever afraid u'll never get married? yes
8. do u want to get married? not sure....
9. do u want kids? i dunno
10. would you rather love or be loved? be loved

section 10 - i n t h e l a s t 48 h o u r s h a v e y o u . .
1. cried: no
2. bought something: no
3. gotten sick: no
4. sang: yes
5. said i love you: no
6. wanted to tell someone u loved them but didn't: yes
7. met someone new: no?
8. moved on: yes
9. talked to someone: yes
10. had a serious talk: no
11. missed someone: yes
12. hugged someone: yes
13. kissed someone: no
14. fought with your parents: yes
15. had a lot of sleep: no
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