Feb 02, 2005 23:28
just got back (wow, its late) from this thing at a church with misty.
it was the best service i have ever been to.
it really helped me think, truly THINK, about things happening in my life.
he was talking about teens killing themselves, also...it made me think twice about some recent decisions i had made...
it really touched me.
it touched misty two.
Then we went over to Jackie and Lee's and spent a couple hours over there.
i got to see my 'daughter'.
she is the MOST PRECIOUS thing ever.
she is going to be the most beautiful little girl.
ill post pictures next time i get to see her.
hmmmm...then we went to get gas and misty 'stole' Janices car.
o man...i love misty.
shes my girl
AHHH!!! yaaay!!! misty and i are going to Florida for spring break.
ooooo misty me FLORIDA = heeeellllssss yesssss!!
now on a less happy and bouncy note -
its pretty lonely without steffanie...
she was my one person to confide in.
but like my girls tell me every day to keep me up and moving on -
shit happens to the best of people. sometimes there is nothing you can do to change it. god has reasons for everything that happens.
right now i cant see what He has for me in taking steffanie away from me...
but i guess ill find out (and it better be good, lol, or he and i will need to have a SERIOUS talk).
all i can say is that i am so completely blessed to have the people that have been watching over me for the past month.
its been hard, and recovery is always painful.
but ive got God and the loves of my lives watching over me and keeping me strong.
i love you guys with all of my heart
i miss you my loves.
"...God heals us when we're broken - Don't leave your heart unspoken..."