Jul 26, 2002 19:01
dear mikey --
ahh! lol do u kno how much i love u? ur my best friend. we have been thru so much! from our childish games to our make-up kits. we have been thru it all + have seen it all. we have managed to last 9 years together! (correct me if i'm wrong). we have managed to climb over those obstacles that seemed pratically impossible to climb! u have always been there for me. some passed events:
the others .. u made me go! lol3 nights + 4 days w/ u!AJ .. lmao! jiggle - jiggleomg wheres my dildoI WIN!! lol what scary awakeningBLONDE! u still r. jpjp
so many more!! but those r the ones we r reviewing on the phone right now. lol u love me! there is soo much to our friendship. so many memory's + so many chats. GOD we even go thru the same situations at the same time. i always got the last laugh .. lol i love you sooo much! xox
mikey + mliss = sis' for life