Ok, well technically since it's like almost 2 AM it's actually Wednesday XD.
And yes, I know I shouldn't be doing this because of my schoolwork and everything but I can't help it! I HAVE to post it! Not only do we have Rob and Kris in this week's Twi. Tues. but we also have CAM! I mean, c'mon that should be enough explanation!
I promise promise PROMISE that I'll make this short and go back to work!...but even when I say that it always ends up frickin' long XD BUT I WILL TRY!
More MTV Movie Awards Photos! (lion_lamb)
We have more MTV Movie Awards pix!
Some with Rob and Kris and plenty others of just Kristen!
2008 MTV Movie Awards Compilation! (lion_lamb)
Here's an organized compilation of the MMA stuff we got from vids to pix! I don't think it was updated for the new photos but the rest is there! Thank goodness for mods! Hee!
RSpunk's Reaction to the MTV Movie Awards (lion_lamb)
A blog entry from Larry with Rob's reaction to the MMA's and a pic from MTV's Kim Stolz (yeah...the one that asked THAT question about Rob and Kris *facepalm* ugh...).
(sources included, of course!)
THEN! Here's what's for this week's Twi. Tues.!!!
MTV Twilight Tuesday: Watch Uncut Movie Awards Interviews With Kristen and Robert! (direct to MTV)
"How Much I Want to Suck Kristen Stewart's Blood"-Cam Gigandet (direct to MTV)
HERE (lion_lamb, both links!)
First we got Larry and a new blog entry along with the video of Rob and Kris! I think there are 2? 3? clips in a row, remember like the on set ones? So when you watch the first one then just leave it until the next one pops up!
Lol, it seems that Larry and crew were partying a whole lot.
The one with Rob and Kris was terrific! They seem a WHOLE lot more comfortable probably because it's Larry that's interviewing them instead of that other one that asked them that stupid question...made it all damn awkward...so they're more at ease probably since they're familiar with him already. I bet this time around when he interviewed them, he was squeeing linside ike the Twilighter fanboy that he is, HEEHEE!!!
And Kris was laughing and they were goofing around! YAY! Better atmosphere! Heh, Mike was probably off somewhere else, that's why XD
*sigh* Oh Rob. It seems that Robward is really still quite naive of the power of the Twilight fandom but it looks like Kris has got the concept, that's because she's so ridiculously awesome, LOL!
You brought this on yourself, our dear RPattz Spunk. Hee, we all knew that it was gonna come up! Kris's expression was beyong hilarious! As I've said in a previous comment chatting with my friend
crailis , Kris was obviously thinking, "Omg you idiot, way to go...*gigglesnort*"
You all know it! LOL!
Ok, I just want to say something else. It's been talked about no doubt. Mike's beard. DEAR LORD it's not even a beard it's a freaking dead animal covering his face! Mikey, sweetie, you aren't ready for big boy stuff yet.
As soon as I saw him I flipped. We all know that Kris needs a MAN (*coughRobcough*) not a little boy that's trying to look like Steve Carell in frickin' Evan Almighty. Mike, I don't hate you but it's true.
Kris and Rob looked absolutey GORGEOUS as I've stated before. I want to know why Kris was apparently voted as one of the worst dressed on like Yahoo or something. Was it cuz she wasn't wearing a dress? Or because she didn't look like a slut? She was damn STUNNING! UGH! WTF??!?
OTHER than that, who else thought that Cam Gigandet needs to be thrown down and given night after night's worth of a little somethin' somethin' that he will NEVER forget? That man is DAMN FINE. Don't tell me that I'm the only one that has gone all Team James! As soon as I see him and that V of his on the screen I am going to spazz like there is no tomorrow.
I swear, Twilight will be the death of us. Tsk, tsk.
OK! I think that's it for now! I have to go back to my homework before some of my friends kick my ass XD
School lasts for about another 8-9 days including the weekends...blehh...yeah so I'll be slow on the updates....WAH I'M SO BEHIND!!! T____T
Oh! And about my injury that some people have been asking about, I promise to explain soon! I have a crapload of work that has to be done so yeah, gotta go! Wish me luck!
(See? Wasn't THAT long! Heehee!)
I just wanted to share this with everyone. It's by my friend
poordeadturtle who makes KICK ASS graphix, peeps. No joke. It is SO made of WIN. EYE-FUCKING PEOPLE! FOR THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD TO SEE. IT'S THERE. OH YES.
EDIT #2:
I think I added this to my previous post LOL! No, I did add it! (Just checked XD) I even wrote a but under it but I'm adding it again in case people haven't seen it or missed it!
This is the vid of when THAT question was asked of Rob and Kris that is captured in the awesome GIF above. Ugh that interviewer annoys the crap outta me...
ALSO! Kiki is reunited with Rob at the MMA and where we see Mike and the dead animal on his face beard.
'Twilight' Stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Cam Gigandet Hit the Carpet (direct to MTV)
Just scroll down! Keep going until you reach the second video to see the 'Our Guest Blogger Reunites with Robert Pattinson' vid.
HERE (lion_lamb)
(Hope that helps, Vorn! =D)