Now for the Updates! Some You Just HAVE to See, OMG

May 14, 2008 18:07

 Ok! I'll start with the updates from yesterday that I didn't really wanna post because it was Rob's birthday and come on, I made a picspam SO I just HAD to leave it up as the first entry for a while! I can never deny anyone their dose of Robward *shrug* Nope! I just can't!

ANYWAYS! Let's start from the oldest to the most retarded latest!

L.A. TIMES (New) Photo (lion_lamb)
Awesome new photo of Edward and Bella...and those crew people (and Rob's double) at the bottom XD 
Lol wow..*starts singing*.."Edward and Bella sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!..." XD

Source link included!

MTV Twilight Tuesday: Meet the Vehicles (direct to MTV, article & vid)
This segment is with Carlisle (Peter) and the Mercedes! YAY! 
Ok, it's not all that interesting but since Carlisle is in it it's at least worth taking a peek at *shrug*

(don't worry, these are all the same or at least all lead to the same place!)

"He likes his nice toys" (Just the vid, same as what's included with the article)
Twilight Tuesday: Meet the Vehicles (lion_lamb post)

Then we have the TT video reactions!

MTV: Twilight Tuesday Reactions Submit Yours Now!
So MTV wants to open up the vid reactions thing to like EVERY Twlight Tuesday now.....holy crap XD LOL! Interested? Go take a look!

Twilight Teaser Trailer Music Mystery SOLVED! (lion_lamb)
So yeah! This person found out who made the music in the Twilight teaser! It's by Extreme Music and is called Red Mist.
Source links included!

Twilight Extra's Set Report! (lion_lamb)
Yup, another set report! There's a nice/slight creepy picture that the extra took of the Cullens in the cafeteria as well! Source link included!

And last but not least an article on CatWicke and how she saved us from carving our eyes out with sporks and commiting murder!

Director Catherine Hardwicke Saves the Day! (direct to article)
or HERE. (lion_lamb to share how you felt when you found out how she totally came and saved her ass as well as everyone else's!)

How did she save the day you ask? Here's how:

Hardwicke says that when she was first hired to do the movie she was given a preliminary script that altered lots. For one thing, the lead Bella wasn't awkward or lonely but a popular track star. For another, the FBI showed up which reduced the Twilight climax to a typical action flick.

OMFG EPIC FAIL! WTF?! Bella as a track star and the FBI after Edward?! Holy Fucking Shit I woulda shot someone. NO JOKE. I swear I woulda cut a bitch.

Oh and:

There are also plans to film a dream sequence at an L. A. soundstage and a few more pick up shots in Arizona. It’s a location she will not reveal because the Twilight fanatics might overwhelm the place. Yes, they are as devoted to Twilight as Bella is to Edward.

OOPS! I think they meant:

It’s a location she will not reveal because the Twilight fanatics MOMS might overwhelm the place.



twilight music, set report, mtv, twilight, catherine hardwicke, pictures, l.a. times, twilight movie, peter facinelli, set pictures

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