Mini-Update: Midnight Sun, TMs, and Comic-Con! EDIT! OK! There's MORE! XD

Apr 30, 2008 13:31

All right!!! So here we got a picture of the cover of Midnight Sun!

Apparently, it's only in the UK....yeah...damn...

Here! (lion_lamb)
OR here! (source)

Then we have some new "Arizona" set pix from the TMs! Cacti, CatWicke, and KStew!!

Check it out here! (lion_lamb)
OR here! (direct to TMs forum)

News about 'Twilight' in Comic-Con located in San Diego, California!

Here! (from Shock Till You Drop)

Or two from
And here! (this one also has some news about the teaser trailer and it's release with Speed Racer)


More "Arizona" pix and such! Check 'em out!


By the way....was Phil supposed to be hot? O__o huh...



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*Squee* with the Rest of Us! XD

Why is this so exciting? I have no clue...XD
There are no new videos or anything just some of the old why? I still have no clue...

Then we have...

Stephenie Meyer in The Costco Connection
I'm not sure what that is just that it's some kind of magazine...or something XD Check it out! SteMey looks great! I love her hair in this one :D

Could the 'Twilight' Teaser Trailer Save Speed Racer?
A /film article! Well, what do you think? Can it? =D

TwilightLexicon: Movie Merchandise
The Lexicon are asking for suggestions on movie merchandise! For example, t-shirts, posters, jewelry, etc...What would you buy? The link goes to their 'Movie Merchandise' thread! Give 'em your suggestions! Edward plushies, anyone? XD Or perhaps the whole Cullen family? LOL! YAY! Dr. Cullen plushie! He can have a lab coat and a mini stethescope! =3

school supplies
tote bags/messanger bags
jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, etc..)
wristbands (w/the Cullen Crest!!!)
post cards
trading cards (like the ones in the MTV vid! LOL!)
boxer shorts 
life size cut-outs!
hats! like baseball caps (hee, just guess what quote is running through my head ;D), beanies, etc...

Just...y'know these are a few...can't think of anything more at the moment XD

I think you have to make an account there soooooo if you don't have one and don't want to, then go HERE. (lion_lamb =D)

ReelzChannel Set Visit Video
They visit the set of 'Twilight' during the La Push scenes! No Rob *tear* BUT we got more Kris! YAY! We got some*twitch* only said "y'know" 3 times, whew....

And some other surprises! Lol, not big ones or anything, but surprises nontheless! (source link included =D)

MTV Canada: e2 On the Set of 'Twilight'
A sister show with eTalk that did a segment on their show using additional scenes. Thanks to
glamorous_sky  for recording it for those outside of Canada! It's AWESOME! ROB! KRIS!!! *SQUEEE* 

renee dwyer, kristen stewart, teaser trailer, twilight, youtube, catherine hardwicke, stephenie meyer, midnight sun, sarah clarke, twilight movie, set pictures

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