OK!!!!! This isn't going to be long-long but just long...-ish...yeah...
ANYWAYS! Let's start off with....
Shock Till You Drop: G4 "Haunts" the Set of 'Twilight'There are new set pix AND an AWESOME vid of their set visit with mini-interviews which include CatWicke and other important movie procuding peoples!
Set Visit: Dress Store & RestaurantWe have some new pix of the dress store and restaurant that Bella and Edward eat at from the TwiMoms and the TwiTeens. (links directly to TwiTeens)
Kellmett Interview! by KellanLutz.orgPretty self explanatory, no? Hee, Kellmett is such a sweetie!
"I have really pale skin that needs some sparkle badly!"
Gloomy Weather Causes "Twilight" Delay
Lil' article and vid with movie producer about the weather and how "Twilight" will be wrapping soon. *sobs* I know I'm sad too! I mean I'm glad for the movie and trailers and stuff coming out but it's just so fun to get updates and set pix and all those are fun things....=(
tMF: Inside the Fandom| tMF Talk to Leading TwilightersThese are interviews with some admins of some of the biggest Twilight fan sites, for examples, the TwilightMoms and our very own
HisGoldenEyes.com!!!!! (YAY! KIMMY!!!)
Fangoria: "Twilight" Set ReportFangoria was invited to set and made a little article about their visit! They also said to keep your eyes open for more Twilight in the coming weeks!
Interview with Jacksper!
phasesatwilightpodcast.com! The link goes directly to the .pdf file, just so ya know!
Interview with Mike Welch!By the Lexicon! *sigh* Mike's really starting to grow on me, LOL!
Twilight Tuesdays with MTV (YouTube link courtesy of
A lil clip from MTV about Twilight Tuesdays and how they will run until the movies release in December! Don't worry, it's nothing we haven't seen before so no real spoilers unless you haven't seen previous videos.
TIME| Stephenie Meyer: The Next J.K. Rowling?An article about SteMey basically....lol XD Don't really like SteMey being compared to J.K. but, eh the article isn't that bad, so check it out! :)
Oh and this isn't really an update or anything but it's hella funny so I thought I'd post it up if any of you are up for a good laugh!
Diary of a Mad FangirlJust two 'Twilight' fans that made a crazy ass vid. It's hilarious! Seriously, I was laughing so hard at the wig part, holy crap *facepalm* Check it out! Oh and the seducing RPattz part? Priceless.
I think that's all for now! I'll check back if there are any more updates! So yeah! Oh yeah! It's Friday (here, anyway) so have a good weekend! =3