(no subject)

Mar 18, 2004 23:49

current awesomes:
-the week is almost over
-for the first time ever i caught up with all my work stuff
-got lots of new music
-not broke for once
-the terrorists endorsed bush
-this weekend will contain: sushi with rachael, ODS, no work, and the kodan armada. could that rule more?

current not awesomes:
-plastisol is goddamn impossible to get off your hands
-the school has still not paid me the fucking $850 they owe me.
-i gave up on my evolution book because i suck at science and it started getting over my head. im dumb.
-still need to go get my printing press in new bern
-senior exit product is due wednesday... guess who still hasnt picked something to do?

ok speaking of senior exit... my class has had all these kids present stuff on these ridiculous topics. like the girl who did her's on media bias and was surprised that fox news was conservative, one guy who did his on vegetarianism/veganism but when asked couldnt explain the difference between the two, and this other girl who did her's on make up and said it's good for women to derive their self worth from their looks (im not kidding). same day we had those this completely worthless pothead kid, like stereotypical providence dumbass who i cant stand, gets up and does his on why globalization is bad.

wtf, totally didnt see that coming. maybe there is hope.
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