Dec 04, 2005 16:13
first the goods news:
i'm 18 in 2 months.
i got a full scholarship to carlow.
i got the coolest tiarra yesterday.
bad news:
the super amazing tickets to this thursday's pens game (first row, directly against the glass, right smack behind the goal where pens shoot twice. basically, some of the best seats in the house. they're directly next to the goal judge. yeah. awesome seats.) that me and natalie were bidding on on ebay... well we lost the auction. i was winning at $60 this morning, and i had my max at $100. but some bastard had to bid $120 and steal my beautiful seats. i wanted those seats soooooo badly. this sucks. i was so looking forward to just driving down there and having our tickets already, rather than have to stand for an hour and a half in 10 degree weather. boooo!
and yesterday while we were at the mall, my neighbor judy backed into natalie's car. how lame. she said she thought she hit a garbage can. not cool. the penguinmobile needs to make it to mellon arena thursday, but if we hit a single pothole the tire is going to blow out. and last time, we hit a mega pothole that caused one of the hubcaps to fly off of her car. it's going to be interesting...