Apr 07, 2005 04:31
although i'm not a Catholic (although I was baptized one as an infant...didn't find out until i was 23) i am very deeply saddened at the death of the Holy Father...i've actually read two of his books and his words and prayers are really amazing...may God bless the college of cardinals in their duty to elect the new pope...
all of this pope stuff is making me remember how i like church...but i've only been like one time in the last year...if i get this new job i'll be going back...i'm not sure where though...Annunciation has the whole aversion to English-speaking newcomers...whether that's real or percieved is yet to be decided...St. Tikhon's is a very friendly parish but very small...i've kinda had my fill of very small parishes...so i dunno...i think Fr. Nick at Annunciation is going toward more Greek in the service unlike the priest before him...St. Tikhon's Diving Liturgy is sung entirely in English...a definite plus...plus Fr. Jonas is a rad guy...
oh yeah, everyone needs to rent The Office (the BBC series)...oh man is it funny...it's like funny in a way i've never seen before...it had Lisa peeing herself in the first 2 minutes, which quite a feat!