Nov 04, 2019 19:51
"You're like a puppy chasing after people," he remarked coldly as he turned away from her to stare out the window, bored with the conversation. This felt like the millionth time they've had this repeated conversation and every time she tried to guilt him into staying.
"What do you mean?" Tears fell softly down her face as she struggled to figure out what she did wrong. Why was he breaking her heart? Why did he stop loving her all of a sudden? He swore he loved her and that she was his soulmate as they laid in bed together night after night, making plans for their future. He painted a gorgeous picture of them traveling the world as she wrote her novels and he created musical masterpieces. They'd live in a tiny loft in Paris with a balcony facing the Eiffel Tower and he would joke about how she'd eat all the baguette she could while writing; she would laugh at the idea of him wearing a beret while composing his music. It was a beautiful dream that she clung to as he broke her heart into small pieces.
"When people don't want to be with you, you don't just let them be. If you let them be, maybe they would come back. But no. You keep asking and pushing until they get fed up with you and walk away. We've talked about this before but you don't listen to me. No one wants to be your friend let alone be around you because you keep nagging them and begging them for scraps. If you keep acting this way, you'll never find anyone." He kicked his feet up on table, wondering why she just wouldn't walk away so he could leave and go see his new lover, one who had no expectations of him. "You're so high maintainence, too needy. I don't understand why you won't just accept that we're done."
"I don't understand why you're being so cruel," she cried. "I accept that we're done but I just want to understand what changed and why you feel the need to hurt me. What happened between me and my friends have nothing to do with this. I have friends and I've learned who are my real friends but you told me that no matter what, together or not, you would always be my best friend. I don't know how you just want me to let this be without understanding what I did wrong, what I could have done to fix it, what I could have changed to have stopped you from walking away. Give me something!" she begged him.
He turned back to look at her, a moment of compassion hitting him as he watched her struggling to comprehend. "Don't you understand? Sometimes it's not about what you did wrong, what you could or could not have fixed, or being able to stop someone from walking away but it's about the other person's wants and needs. Stop wanting to change for other people. Stop being the one to try and fix people. Stop chasing. Let people breathe. You demand so much attention and time and you get mad when they can't give it to you. Step back."
"I don't get it," she wiped her face. "How am I supposed to not fix everything and let it be?"
He got up and walked out the door, the moment of compassion gone as frustration hit him full force. "That's your problem. Figure it out before you end up alone."
Note: The line you're like a puppy chasing after people was line my ex told me once. In trying to figure out a last minute response to this, his line popped into my head and thus this short break up piece.
lj idol season 11