update 'n stuff

Dec 06, 2005 02:15

so...this is like an update 'n stuff. and it might be long or it might not be. i just started writing it so i really can't tell what will happen in the end. i mean right now nothing important is popping into my head but as time goes on more ideas start flowing until i can reach a final conclusion as to what to write about. i mean, the ending really shouldnt be that important. it should be the path leading up to the conclusion right? so even though right now things are like confusing 'n stuff. it will all work out. and even if you dont quite see things my way you will soon enough. i mean not to be an asshole, but rather a pretentious 18 year old. i know alot more than most of the people i know will even discover in their entire lives. i mean. i was into some shit before some knew what a fuckin' curse word was. i mean. i was doing alcohol when i was like 7. let me tell you about tolerance. and fucking...man i lost my virginity before my dad. now these are all the important things in life, you know. fuckin', cursin', and gettin' shit faced every night and telling a million people so that they at least can respect my maturity. or i remember one time. i dated this girl for a while and she was just the nastiest bitch in the whole world. and like she cheated on me and i was so mad and i wanted her back. but i just bitched and whined and realized how nasty she really was and now that im over it 2 years later i feel so much more mature then everyone else. oh yea, and im like totally going to be rich someday and be like totally political and shit. and vote anti-bush and going to be against war hardcore. but when im rich i think ill hoard my money because i mean i worked for it right? land of financial freedom and shit? that what my daddy fought for...except he's from colombia but hell yea that's what he fought for. and like love...you know...LOVE. man i love love. i mean i think i love love. i might not know what it is now that i think about it. love for a girl. love for god? who is god anyway. i thought i knew who he was once. now i think i know...he's a fucking asshole and now i'm a fucking atheist. so im gonna run around and be atheist and believe in science and man having control of his own destiny and then im gonna go cut my wrists and snort some drugs because i dont believe in shit. that doesnt sound fun...i dont wanna be atheist. i think i found god again. yes he is my savior and i love him. i mean he has to be the only one. why else would every other religion have been put down by judeo-christianity's mighty sword had he not been real. and by sword i mean millions killed on the grounds of religious conquest.....man where am i going with this? this is just a goddamn rant. alright does that make you happy. does that justify you reading all this bullshit. nope. but i bet you read it anyway didnt you. i hope you learned something. if not maybe you should read it a little slowly next time...or if you dont want to, dont ask me what it means because you don't deserve to know. there should be more of these to come. goodbye
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