"Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next." --Lewis Carrol
Dear World,
Have you ever had a dream you were so found of that you'd lay in bed for several moments hoping to continue it upon waking? You lay there, covers pulled up to your chin, eyes closed peacefully replaying the moments in your mind. Perhaps the smells of the thick damp nights at the sea shore mixed with stale coffee and a hint of the second hand smoke from a clove cigarette. You begin to hear Duran Duran on the radio of your friend's beat up car through your mind. You are young. You are infinite. You are free. Mars is lost somewhere in the patchwork of stars. You're laying in wet sand. The water is rushing up around you. Teasing you as it nuzzles ever so closly.
Okay, perhaps your dream is different. That was mine. A memory quilt on lonely mornings when my husband was too busy to notice me, my hospital room was too quiet, or my children were still fast asleep next to me and I longed to be anything but the frumpy mama i'd become.
Today, I was forced to take out a big figurative moving box, pack up that dream, address it to "nevermore" and move on with my life.
I'm not sure that I was ready to say good-bye.
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