May 29, 2004 14:26
Name: carrie
Birthdate: 111387
Current Location: schaumburggg
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown...blonde streaks which i need to get re did.
Righty or Lefty: righty..
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
Innie or Outie: innie
Your heritage: german and finnishian(finland)
The shoes you wore today: oh man.. i bought new shoes yesterday... they are vans.. and OH SO BEAUTIFUL
Your hair: up...for work cuz i thought we were gonna swim but we all lucked out.
Your weakness: saying no
Your fears: snakes...
Your perfect pizza: mmmmmm... pinappless
One thing you'd like to achieve: idunno... everything basically....
Your most overused phrase: "what the eff"---"this is_____ as h"
Your thoughts first waking up: "someone kill me it..its way to early on a saturday and i dont feel like going to work"
The FIRST feature you notice in the opposite sex: face
Your best physical feature: ...i dont have one.. i really dont
Your bedtime: 5:45 on school nights
Your greatest accomplishment: ha.
Your most missed memory: 8th grade...nicks house everydayyy..i miss the "origional crew"... and those unforgettable times with my sc's...
Pepsi or coke: dr.pepper
McDonald's or Burger King: burger king
Single or group dates: it depends.. if i dont know someone definatly group
Adidas or nike: adidas.. i'm in love with my samoas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: frappuccino
Boxers or briefs: boxers
Smoke: no...
Cuss: hahaha... what the f,s,h....hahaha....i'm so young
Sing: yeah
Take a shower every day: pshhh... once a day and sumtimes twice
Have a crush: yes
Who are they: we'll see
Do you think you've been in love: truthfully yes
Want to go to college: i wanna goto western or eastern
Like high school: every second of it ...thats doesnt envolve learning
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: definatly no... but i'm pretty fast
Believe in yourself: sometimes
Get motion sickness: nope..move meee
Think you're attractive: nope
Think you're a health freak: i watch what i do...
Get along with your parents: it depends
Play an instrument: nope.
Drank alcohol: yes
Smoke(d): yes
Done a drug: uh yeah.
Had Sex: nope
Made Out: hehe..yepp
Gone on a date: yes
Gone to the mall?: duh
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: gross
Eaten sushi: nope
Been on stage: yes.
Been dumped: yepp
Gone skating: k.liddle said he would teach me how to skateboard.... haha
Made homemade cookies: yeahhhh with my motherr : )
Been in love: yes
Gone skinny dipping: yes
Dyed your hair: yes
Stolen anything: nope
Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes
Been caught "doing something": nope..
Been called a tease: nope
Gotten beaten up: haha.. eff no.. i'm a hardass(kidding)
Shoplifted: noooooo
If so, did you get caught: noooo
Changed who you were to fit in: nope
Age you hope to be married: cant put an age on love.
Numbers and Names of Children: i want a girl and a boy... i cant think of names
Describe your Dream Wedding: oh man
How do you want to die: in my sleep... either that or if i get hurt or in some kinda of an accident-- instantly
Where you want to go to college: eastern,western,bradley.... anywhere that will take me...
What do you want to be when you grow up: a high school history teacher... im a lame.
What country would you most like want to visit: france
Best eye color?: blue.
Best hair color?: ...dirty blonde oh man
Short or long hair?: long(shag)
Best height: taller than me
Best articles of clothing: tight girl pants melt my heart
shirts - dunno
Best first date location: i dont remember...prolly the movies.. that used to be the place to be
Best first kiss location: i dunno...
Number of people that you trust with your life: my parents... jenny n kim..
Number of CDs that I own: eff should i know...
Number of piercings: two in my soon as i turn 18 -- tongue.. most definatly
Number of tattoos: ..i want one on my foot and one on my upper back
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: mmmm... i've never really thougth about it...
Number of scars on my body: ..uhhhh lets count-- my knee... my left hand...the bottle/side of my left foot... and i have one on the inner side of my left ankle but you cant see it that much anymore. so 4
Number of things in my past that I regret: why regret the past?