(no subject)

Apr 28, 2005 18:09

Im leaving in 3 days for my cruise!!! im so excited.. its going to be so much fun! going with the chels and the hampton crew so its going to be awesome <3. im leaving on sunday morning and staying a night in fort loderdale and then going on the cruise and then staying another night on friday! woo. im coming home saturday night.. ahhh going to get so tan!

When i come back ew school again, but semi is going to be 2 weeks later and im going with my adam !!!! yes we are going back out.. we talked about it for a while and everything worked out fine.. i love him and he loves me! he is the bestestest guy out there and im so glad we are back together.. i already have my semi dress. and im getting my hair done this year. oh yeah and when i come back i start my job making money!

Oh yeah and im all done drivers ed so in august i have my permit! it sucks to wait that long but im glad i got it done.. well theres nothing really else to say! im out..
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