Sep 26, 2004 14:04
yesterday was fun. well i mean i had to mow the lawn i wouldn't really consider that fun but it was good after that. amber came over and we went up by the movies and stuff like that, got some chow and all that good stuff. we came back here and got online and talked to some peeps. we went downstairs and made dinner and than ate it ; go figure! then we came back up here and did nothing..then my little britt britt ( my 3 year old babygirl ) came to the door and asked us to play hopscoth. i love her so much. she is sooo cute. anyway so we went out there for like an hour and wrote on the driveway and stuff like that. i called my sweetie william <3 and asked him to come over but he wouldn't because he doesn't like little kids. =[ i was sad. so them like 20 minutes later all the kids left and we came inside. me and amber tried to find someone else to chill with but no one could come over. it was upseting. but then yeah soo then like around 10 nik got online and asked me why i called him earlier we talked to him and we suckered him into buying and bringing us slurpees from 7-11..nik you rock! thanks soo much! =] but yeah then we just came back up here..amber talked to people online..i was talking to quinton on the phone..very good conversation actually..but yeah soo then we crashed at about 2 in the morning and woke up early..yeah then we watched my family video from lake wienapaskee ( spl? haha ) new hampshire. i def. cried because i miss tommy and cheryl and kristen and josh and nick..yall are like my favoritest cousins. i love you and i miss you guys tons. and so yeah when the song "good ridance" from green day came on i brusted into tears because its the saddest part of the whole video. i wish life was like it was back then now. i mean back then u didnt worry about boyfriends and friends and being so hurt all the time. that stuff just didnt matter. but now for some reason it does. theres other things that i wish could never have changed but im not gonna get into that stuff right now..but yeah anyways soo i watched that video and it was great. then amber left at around 1ish..i vaccumed and then i came up here and now im talking to my lovely beautiful sweetheart * Cierra. Sweetie, don't worry about it anymore, i know its hard because he was the first guy you ever loved but you have to face that it's just not going to be, don't give up though, but things will get better, i promise babe. soo well in a little while i have to do laundry and do my homework for my a days. sweeet. ha. yeah well i'm out for now. later on.
these tears can never explain the pain you put me through..<|3
Cierra ; i love you boo
Carly xO.