Sep 11, 2004 17:32
Jillian Blair Wilkins . .
where to start, where to start..we've been best friends for 5 years, and how i'm going to make it without you here, i haven't figured out yet, you helped me through thik and thin and i wish you weren't leaving, i mean it would be different if you were only moving like 2 hours away, but california . . i won't make it. the thought of leaving your friends and boyfriend would kill me so i know it's hard for you..this entry is entirly for you becasue it's going to be hard having one of my closest friends leave..tonights going to be massivly awsome with you even though it will be my last night to see you for a long time. i promise i won't stay out of touch..because i will still have to come to you with everything! you have special way to make things sooo much better for people! i'm going to stop before this gets to gushy but i will always and forever love you <33
<33. Miss Carly Shannon
lets make this about us ; lets fight together for us ; lets make two become one ; because i wanna be known as us ; me and you togeher ; i'll do whatever it takes ; to let you hold my heart again . .