Jun 11, 2004 01:59
so whats up,im just chizzilin here so today i wen to the gall around 2:20 waited outside QHS for shannon so we cood do stuff so then we met went to the gall she was a little upset cuz she couldnt spend time with ryan on his b-day HAPPY 16th RYAN!!!!so then we was chillin we were talkin to boback and carl then gracie christina emily and tom walked in and christina was all massagein mi scalpo cuz we are so awesomly awesome so then the croud died down a tad and me and shan were talkin to jessica and chapman and christine jessica was REALLY pissed at chapman cuz he was talkin to christine the whole time then we pust boston kreme on my face we went over to them and i asked them if they wanted to have and orgy as i was rubbing the boston kreme all ova mi face so then they left to go to the t and i soon did after cuz i was gunna call my dad to pick me up at the t so we cood go to the movies and then he DIDNT ANSWER the 3 TIMES that i called but it was all GRAVVVVVVVVVVVYYY!!!(compliments to shannon for the gravy) so then shan and me went to her house so she could do a report i fell asleep for like 5 mins cuz shannon was abuusin me 8`( lol then we met kayla at the t and went to the library and helped them both with note taking and such for their reports kayla was doin a research paper on MY ANUS! wOOOOt! i mean....uranus the planet so then we were all done and such we all got rides home were i watched the mtv video music awards which was hosted by the awesome lindsay lohan!! i ate pizza and went on the comp to talk to my peeps lol byezies!!!!