Apr 11, 2010 16:33
My sole purpose for this post is just to make an incomplete and hopefully ever-growing list of things to do over the summer which are either things I may have been putting off or just things I've wanted to do for a long time.
1. Watch all "Star Wars" movies...
2. Watch all "Star Trek" movies
3. Finally decide which franchise is better
4. Find a local comic book store and GO TO IT.
5. Buy tons of comic books and obviously read them.
6. Read all unread books in my room. There are quite a few...
7. Watch as many movies as possible... especially from my Netflix instant-watch
8. Go to a state that isn't in the midwest or the south and that IS NOT FLORIDA.
9. Go to the Detroit Zoo (I've never been there)
10. Dye hair a strange color (or colors)
11. Possible tattoo? (I dread the idea of permanence)
12. Run at least 4x a week and/or get buff (or as buff as a girl should look)
13. Go on as many adventures as possible
14. Buy tickets to Comic-Con (San Diego) for summer 2011.
15. Learn to knit
16. Watch "The Cove" even though I'm positive I'll die on the inside
17. Watch all LOTR movies.... even though I don't really want to.
18. Save up to buy a nice camera. I'd like to take up photography.
19. Begin quest to make 1000 paper cranes.
20. Watch all Indiana Jones movies
The road to geekdom has been paved.
To be continued...