I nearly cut my finger off tonight trying to slice a bagel. Stupid bagel. In unrelated news, I went ice skating for the first time ever. Twas fun and not as hard as I thought. What is hard is freaking studying for my exams which start in 2 weeks. 2 weeks! I am so not ready, but the upside is when they are over I get to go home to California and it'll be Christmas. YAY! Oh and I bought a TV finally. Granted, I will have no time to watch it in the coming weeks and most shows are over for the holidays, but I have TV and that is good.
Speaking of, I spent my Thanksgiving watching Heroes. I kind of don't get the fuss. It's not a bad show at all, but I wasn't wowed either. I was under the expectation that I would be left shocked and enthralled with all the twists and turns and I found very little that suprised, or delighted me (the autopsy scene was probably the only "holy fuck" moment for me). I'm kind of lost on the rabid appeal of the show, but what do I know, mystery and supernatural crap has never been my thing. More TV comments ...
I'm all caught up with Grey's Anatomy and I say bring on Addison/Alex and please, someone, anyone put Izzie in her place because she is annoying as all hell, and has learned absolutely nothing from the whole Denny affair. I only wish George had enough of a damn spine to stand up for himself and not apologize.
I have no idea why I still watch Veronica Mars, especially since the only episode I watched last year after OAV was the finale, but I can't stop watching this season and it baffles me how people are saying it's improving when in my eyes it just keeps getting worse and worse. I mean this whole rape storyline is such a bad idea. Rob Thomas has spectacularly proved in the previous 2 seasons that he is a man who should not be commenting on rape because his perceptions of it are so fucked up (its not rape when you are drugged as long as you wanted it, which you only know because the guy says so... that are it doesn't count because you were the second person to have sex with the drugged out girl and therefore the first guy is the only rapist ...I'm not sure which theory Rob Thomas is going with her to exonerate Duncan). That and his view of college is such a caricature, but so is the show so there you go.
I'm having FNL withdrawals. I want to see more Matt/Julie awkwardness and more Kyle Chandler furrowing and more football. Yes, I want to see more football, because this show is my sunshine.