New Journal

Oct 06, 2004 19:13

YEAHHH I got a Livejournal.. journal =P. THANK YOU LIZZ!!! =D for helping me with all the HTML stuffs. I couldn't do anything without youuu XD!!

Well havent really updated ina while. SOo I guess i'l tell you bout stuffs now.

Yesturday, It was my dads birthdayy. Soo Lizz came over and we went out for dinner at the BeachTree =). Came back n had cake n shtuff =P. YAY cake =D. But before school, things weren't really good. Since my mom was working Monday, (she works from 10 at night til about 8 in the morning) my dad had to drive me to Lizz's with his car. And for some unexplained reason, his car doesn't like to wake up at 6:20AM. SooI had to run to Lizz's house (thats like 8 fuckin blocks do you know how tiring that is?!). Not that I minded running or anything, it's just that I felt like I was gunna die from hypothermia and having my heart pump out of my stomach. Almostt threw up before first period... BUT I didn't =D!! Mwahah

Today was pretty much like every other day.
1st period - Social Studies, boring
2nd period - Gym, football, tiring
3rd period - Science, boring
4th period - English, surprisingly fun (gunna be reading Southern Gothic Literature =D!!)
5th period - Child Development, LIZZ!!!, PERFECT!!! XD!!!!! I LOVE YOUU!!!
6th period - Computer Aided Design, Not really boring
7th period - Lunch, pretty boring, don't really talk to people
8th period - Lunch(with Lizz!) XD!!, fun, funny, GREAT XD!!
9th period - Math, BORING!

Then after school the same routine XD, Lizz's house. We fell asleep for alil while =P =D. Watched Room Raiders and Video Mods and stuff XD. I LOVE YOU SOO FUCKING MUCH LIZZZ!!!!!! I REALLY, REALLLYYY FUCKING DO!!! YOUR SO FUCKING PERFECTTT!!!! XD!!!! <33

Anywayz =D, Tomorrow, Going to school buttt nott going home with Lizz, OR lunch with her =(. Shes getting picked up from school early soo I have to get my mom to pick me up =P. I'l probably see Lizz later though =D. We havent gone a day without seeing each other since like... 2 months ago XD!!

Anywayz, thanks again Lizz for my new journal XD!!! I love it. and, I LOVE YOUU!!!!!!! XD!!!!!!!

I'l try to update my journal more oftenn
Not promising though =P

See Yuhhh
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