
Oct 25, 2004 19:32

Well last night was "fun"
I stayed up til 11:30 doing my eng/s.s. report
Couldn't fall asleep til 12:30
Then woke up at 4 so I could finish the damn thing
then I go to school and my english teacher says we can hand it in on wednesday
>=O argg lol

Today was like most other days

Played soccer in gym today
Andd cut and pasted stuff in child development ( with Lizz! <33 XD!!! )
that class makes you feel like your in kindergarden again =P

Then lunch came and I'm tired as hell and don't feel like talking to anyone. So I go to the library and zone out =| lol

Then I had lunch again with Lizz! XD
I love you soooo muchhh! XD

Then I pretty much fell asleep in math lol was SOO tired

Then Lizz and I got home and we slept from about 2:30 til 5
Watched T.V. n shtuff =P

Thennnn came home, ate Ravioli for dinner =D I lovee ravioli
Talked to a few people on AIM =D (mostly Lizz XD!!! of course <33)
Then started writing this entry =P

I think I might either make a new journal or stop writing in this one
I mean I know people read this occasionally but no one comments
Well onee doess =D but thats because she loves me XD <33 (LIZZ!!!)

Anywayz I dunno what I'm going bout my journal. Now I have guitar lessons tomorrow and I havent practised muchh. Oh well. I'm just gunna have to practice like crazy today and tomorrow. I'm one big procrastinatorr

Well bye everyone
Bye Lizz I LOVE YOU!
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