motivated-and rambling about my smp

Jul 07, 2010 10:05

My summer semester is OVER!!! Well, it won't officially be over til thursday morning but I just have my last art appreciation test, which will not be hard. Yesterday I had to give presentations in BOTH my classes. The worst was definitely art because I had to talk about my project and explain it. Very scary, but I did great. Well, relatively speaking. I still have a long way to go with my public speaking but I am really getting over the freaking out over it. My voice just barely quavers now instead of full blown shaking like it used to. Logic says if I actually practice my voice will become stronger and I'll get past that. Well maybe I of these days.
But, I am excited now because I'm getting motivated to return to some hard core alkalizing.
While working on my self management project I added an exercise intervention to help me fall asleep. I am in my fourth week now. One result is I'm getting fit again. Data shows I actually am getting to sleep faster, but not as fast as I'd like. I'm hoping that sticking to this routine of at least 30 minutes a day will lead to normal sleep patterns. If I throw active alkalizing into that mix who knows what will happen.
Speaking of my smp, I am quite pleased with the results. I did indeed love the class, though aspects of it were disappointing. I was expecting more classroom discussion of our ongoing projects, but that didn't happen. Sandy likes to give us "library days", which I appreciated last semester, but not so much in a five week course! That said, my project has resulted in me changing my bedtime from somewhere around 1:30 am to 11:pm and I'm getting up at 6:15 am EVEN ON THE WEEKENDS!!!!! I can NOT believe this. I love it though, I have always wanted to be a morning person, and never could get there. I just didn't know how to do it. In order to do this I had to conquer my computer ocd. This seemed impossible. But all I had to do was start setting the timer, get off when it sounded, and then REINFORCE getting off. I did this by going to my room and reading books i had been wanting to read. This was just one step in the process of getting my bedtime to 11 pm. I then had to do the same for reading (set timer and reinforce going to bed - I used pleasant positive thoughts). I didn't actually succeed until I started setting my alarm and getting up when it went off. I had planned to do this so many times, but usually it was like this " I'm going to start getting up early and exercising" Two behaviors that I really didn't want to do. A recipe for failure!
I am hopeful that I will be able to keep this up. I think I am through the hardest part which was after I started getting up with the alarm and my sleep onset insomnia kicked in with a vengeance. The exercise intervention is helping that. Now I've come full circle with my rambling so that's it!
PS I've lost my little card that tells me how to do lj cuts. If anyone cares to refresh my memory that would be awesome!

lj cut, smp, exercise, behavior change

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