Oh my goodness, what a hardcore awesome way to start a Monday Tuesday morning. (Hahaha, silly three day weekend, messing with my perception of time!)
Um, so yeah, this ridiculous story has made it to the LJ Spotlight!
I am sort of in an awkward state of shock, I am happy and kind of overwhelmed all at once. Readership has jumped from 35 (COMPLETELY AWESOME) people to well over 80 (WHO ARE EQUALLY AWESOME I'M SURE), and growing. I...bluh. Have no words.
To cover that up, I'm going to fill the next few inches of space with some "Welcome New Readers" stuff!
Welcome, New Readers! This story is a spoof of the first book in the "Twilight" series (the one aptly named Twilight). It follows the book chapter by chapter, but none of the characters are the same. Twilight is about vampires. This book is about space aliens.
If you've never read Twilight before and are very confused, don't worry, reading the book is not essential to enjoying The Most Popular Book in the Whole World, but I'm sure it helps. There are summaries and recaps all over the Internets (some of the most famous by the amazing
cleolinda) if you want to play catch up.
Most importantly, this whole thing is for fun. If you are a fan of the Twilight books, keep in mind I'm not writing this story to rag on you. I get a strange sort of enjoyment out of the Twilight series, and this is how I funnel that enjoyment into a form of physical expression. Or something.