I've begun using a random number generator to pull the Reader of the Day (Who Is Awesome), because there are so many of you and I love randomness and surprizes. AND YOU! This is who the random number generator provided with for today's RotD(WiA)!
Reader of the Day (Who is Awesome):
canine_kitten 1. Name? Molly!
2. Age? 18
3. How did you hear about The Most Popular Book in the Whole World? Through the feature-thingy, which I NEVER look at. I was like, woah, Xlormp, nifty name.
4. Team? Christopher! Though Hector is a might fine stud too...
5. Do you read Twilight? If so, are you a fan or an anti-fan, or some third option? I JUST finished the series. I'm a fan, but in a cautious, I-realize-there-are-faults-with-the-story-but-still-find-it-irresistible kind of way.
6. Tell us the origin story of your lj username! canine_kitten: I literally could think of nothing else. I wracked my brain for something contradictory, and that's the first thing that came up.
7. What's your favorite thing about the Internet? How on sites like LiveJournal and YouTube the users can sort of take over and form worldwide communities. These communities can form friendships and create awesomeawesome things that you can look back on when you're 80 and go, "Hey, that was a nifty thing."
8. Tell us one awesome thing about yourself, or one awesome thing that has happened to you. When I was 7 years old, a friend and I followed a dog out of our neighborhood and around our town for a while -- we just thought we were having a good time. A bit later, a policeman showed up and asked us what we were doing, and we claimed we were trying to catch "our" dog. When he asked us what his name was, my friend said "SPOT!" and right there I knew the jig was up, because he was a golden retriever, and no one in their right mind would name a giant yellow dog Spot. We got a police escort home.
9. If there's anything else you'd like to say, now is the time to say it! I LOVE YOU. In like, a totally fangirlish non-stalker way. :D
Molly, I choose to believe that you are projecting that "I LOVE YOU" not only to me but also to every single person that reads this story. THAT IS WHAT I BELIEVE.
I am naming every subsequent dog I ever own from now on "Spot", just to protect future generations of dog stalkers. Unfortunately, this will be zero dogs because I am a cat person.
You also failed to mention your totally awesome YouTube channel where you occasionally talk about me which makes me happy every time, so I am going to do that for you. Dudes, Molly has a totally awesome YouTube channel where she occasionally talks about me. You should subscribe!
It is here.
How to be a Reader of the Day (Who is Awesome)