Feb 08, 2003 23:57
I thought today was gonna go fairly well work at the record store for a couple hours come home watch Hellsing then go to peoria to game with the group....well that didn't happen....somewhere between watching hellsing and going to nubs my mom asks me to watch my 5 year old half brother I agree as long as she's home by 10 so I can get the hell out of here well 10 rolls around and she calls me from the bar asking if she can stay one more hour I say sure and tell jared I won't have the van for another hour they sound slightly irritated but they agree 11 rolls around and still no van pulling into driveway so I try her cell...no answer 5 minutes later still no answer so I call jared and tell him if I don't call and say I'm on my way before 11:30 to just leave cause my mom is being a dissappointing parent (aka. drunk) so 11:30 finally gets around and she finally calls home I tell her well the guys have already left so you ruined my night so just go ahead and stay out.....god I hate my mother......her "precious pure blood bulldog shit on the floor....her dog her shit her problem I won't help out here anymore cause I never get anything for my work