Jun 08, 2006 13:16
yeah so i got the job at BJ's but they want to drug test me within the next twentyfour hours. funny thing is i smoked just last night. idk what to do.....
i mean i smoked last night for christs sake! im gonna mutha fuckin fail and justins mom is going to be sad and im going to be pissed. they offered me GREAT hours for stocking and floor work. i would be working 12-8 pm wednesday through sunday. i get mondays and tuesdays off. which is groovy. but what the fuck i have this drug test to pass now. its so all of the sudden too. they did that on purpose im for damn sure haha. trying to keep us kids from smoking pot WTF! its my body i can do what i want with it. if i want to poison myself for recreational purposes then fuck off i should be able to. theres too much control in this world. i guess i better keep applying at places cause i probably wont pass this test man. bye