Sep 21, 2004 22:05
The past few days have been gay.
All I do is... sit at home. I have gone to walmart twice in the past two days. <3
Walmart is amazing.
I was looking at Audition tips.
Okay the plan:
+UWF for 4 years. Degree for Business and Communications.
+NYC or LA to find a good record company to work for.
+Audition for as many plays, movies, and tv shows as possible.
And in order to do that... I will need headshots, a good resume, and other things. I am definately going to be trying out for Dracula in Dec. and I am still of course working on Arscenic and Old Lace for my Student Directed Scene.
Aunt Abby-Tara
Aunt Martha-???
I am still doing my monologues for districts. The Widow's Blind Date is my drama and Sex and Death is my comedy.
I have to find my pieces for Forensics. I think that I'm going to do one from one of Mr. Rushing's books but I'm not sure. It's about this chick whose lawyer informs her that she cannot sue her g'pa for as much as she wants. Her g'pa raped, molested, and abused her as a child but she has no proof of it and her sisters/parents will not be on the witness stand. It's a good piece but I will have to edit it b/c of cussing. But it's not that graphic, the most it says is, fondling... I think. I'll have to read it again.
Anywho, we're doing a showcase this year instead of a Talent Show. Which I think is completely ridiculous. That's so stupid to cancel the Talent Show just so that we can have a showcase. Why can't we do both. Way more people will attend the Talent Show and that'll be way more money.
I still have to sell 30 season passes. Gay.
Anywho, I'm out. School starts again on Thursday and I got new makeup today.
Ladies You should all try the intuition shaver thinga ma bobbers... they're wonderful.