hey... i made this for
xx_lovelain_xx for her fanfic "
White Flowers" [read it; its awesome ^^]
since the pairing was Akame but Kame has yet to show up so therefore,
we came up with this idea to make a "where's waldo" version of a "where's kame" picture!!
^_____^ okie well i hope u like it~ its pretty crappy though & u can see Kame like right away ahahha XD
LOL sorry about thattt. i ran out of ideas o_o;;
but anywhom;; comment if u like ^___^ oh and btw, most of the picture credits came from
xx_lovelain_xx herself haha(:
OMGOSH but when i was making this, i made me GO CRAZY cuz i could only use one Kame picture
and half of my JE boys pics are OF KAME so it was SOOO TOTALLY KILLING ME!!
-in pain- yes v___v;;
&& why the huge half-naked Jin?
oh; because i can(:
okay i'll stop now
here it is:
click for bigger version~~!(:
made with photoshop, btw, if anyone wanted to knoww~~:]