Nov 11, 2002 20:36
Ain't that the truth?
Dave's car was being loud so he wasn't driving it until it was fixed. So we decided to take my car down to Endicott and Winthrop. But before that I took Dave to practice and later on we left to go down to his school and then to a party in Winthrop. We stopped at his school to leave my shit in his room and to meet up with his friend who wasn't there. Then we left for Winthrop. We got a little lost on the way there. I pulled a U-turn in some parking lot and wicked bottomed out. Not anything surprising. It happens often in my little Saab. We continued to the party not thinking anything of it.
We got to the party and it was fun. Mike had a really nice apartment. That's kinda what I'm hoping to get when I am out of school. But anyways we left after a couple hours and were on our way back to Endicott. Then my cd player turned itself off. That was weird. So we drove in silence for a bit. Then my ABS light came on my dash when I would step on my brakes. But what can you do? I kept going. I couldn't do much about it. I figured my car might have to go the shop later on in the week. By that time it was around midnight and I was really tired.
We again got a little off track and didn't know exactly where we were going. Then we came into Lynn (ahhh!!) We were coming up to this stop light and the light was green and all of a sudden my car shut itself down and I lost my power steering. So I cranked the wheel to take a right turn and try to get out of the middle of the road. And there is a beautiful new cadillac, that I am about to hit. SO he leans on the horn and I correct myself. But then I decide I have no choice I have to get out of the road so I turned again in front of him. He was pissed. But not as pissed as me.
So now my car is on the side of the road in lynn and it won't even try to start when I turn the key. So I call my dad and make dave talk to him. Then Dave called a tow truck and they said it would be there in an hour. So we had an hour to find someone to come pick us up before we were stranded in Lynn. But of course, when you really need someone no one has their cell phone and the only person who might be able to help you says they will call you back. Then their phone dies.
So we call my dad back and he offers to come pick us up down in Lynn. Which will still take over an hour to get there from NH so we were still gonna be out in the cold.
Then Jose comes. He is our tow guy. The offers to drive us back to the shop where I get my car fixed back in Brookine. So we hop in. It was a very exciting ride. I think that Boston was especially pretty that night.
Jose kept talking about how he was excited to go to NH cause he had never been before. Then when we got off exit 6 I saw Mr. Mullen and it was like 3 in the morning and it was really funny. Then we got to brookline and Jose was very impressed by how dark it is when you leave the city and go into farm land.
When we got to the auto shop Jose dropped my car down. And right as the tires hit the ground....his truck died!! What a nightmare after driving all around trying to find diesel at 4 in the morning we finnaly got the truck started right as a Kinney Towing Truck came in to tow off Jose.
We finnally went to bed at 4:30 am. Just 2 hours short of a 24 hour day for me.