So early in the morning...i'll be givin' you the warnin'!
So i just got home.
Yes. Just got home. At 3:30 am. ;P
So I basically haven't slept for almost 30 hours. I've eaten two meals. AND I LOVE LIFE.
Iele had the random idea that we make a quilt and have bands sign it. Crazy idea...sprung on me two days before the concerts. So what do i do? I make a huge quilt. And you know what?
DAY 1 (6pm-10pm)
Pre-shows! Saw the JukeBox outside...and then it started raining like a bitch.
Moved inside to the Galt House and saw British Export (oh sweet about one hot john...), the jukebox again And a few other people i can't remember. Met Mark Staycer (FUCK YA) and Hal Bruce...and Jimmy Pou...and the Jukebox...and a couple of the Stockwood kids! Not to mention the hot john from British Export (aka JP Lynch ;P)
DAY 2 (12pm-12am)
Nervous Melvin and the Mistakes were their! They played at my prom! WEE!! Good times. Got them to sign the quilt and then Dennis (lead singer) got us to sign his shirt! HAH! Dennis became a good friend of you will see later. Went and watched Mario DeSilva and his son James on their guitars. <3 them. They became good friends too :D SAW STOCKWOOD! WOO! The worlds littlest beatles! :D They rock my socks off. After them we saw the BackWards. ANOTHER HOT JOHN. These were the guys we kept seeing EVERYWHERE last year! Crazy times. This year we kept seeing the JukeBox everywhere. Odd...that the BackWards were the first band we saw last year...and the JukeBox were the first ones we saw this year...hmmmm....anyways...Got a picture with the Backwards...hehe...and then it was time for...ABBEY ROAD LIVE! One of the coolest bands ever i think. For the simple fact that they play the entire Abbey Road album...all of order...Bwahaha! I <3 it! We basically danced until our feet fell off with Abbey Road live, and thankfully they were the last band on the evening worth seeing. Went inside the loby of the Galt house again and low and behold! The Lizzies and the Julia's and the Jets and the Beatles Ensamble (along with Mark Staycer) are all standing around singing! Everyone signed the quilt...Mark was being nice and telling people "Hey...have you signed the quilt? ya need to, ye know"
Day 3 (12pm - 12am)
Another day another awesome band...The Repeatles! From Sweaden! Cool band...the guitarist was wearing purple velvet pants! WOO! They played a lot of different stuff the beatles listened too and then some other sixties stuff....some Who and the like.
We had some time to kill so we were just hanging around in the center for the arts. On our way over there we ran into a guy (PADDY) who gave us, YES GAVE US, special reserved seating wrist bands. Abbey Road Live were going to be playing again (This time playing the entire Magical Mystery Tour album). And we started talking to Mario DeSilva! He's a cool guy :D we talked to him basically every day and he helped us out with our quilt. Pete Best was there signing autographs and things...but you had to pay like...20 bucks. We were like "HAH" HOWEVER. Dennis - you remember dennis. From Nervous Melvin. He gave us 20 bucks because he said we HAD to get Pete's autograph on the quilt. We got it for free, but he still wouldn't take his frickin money back! Silly Melvin Head. Anyways...more time to kill. So we went out and stood around the main stage outside. And who do we happen to run into? Why...Mr. JP Lynch and Mark Staycer! We got our pictures taken with them :D (we touched their bottoms while we were at it! XD)
So Abbey Road Live played again...wearing some CRAZY whacked out stuff.
And then after that...was quite possibly one of the coolest things i have EVER seen.
A band called All You Need Is Love played...
What did they play?
Oh...ooh, i'll tell you what they played.
The. ENTIRE. White. Album.
'Even Revolution 9?!?!?!' you ask?!
It was the craziest most awesome thing i have ever witnessed. The lead singer. Crazy go nuts cool. The lead guitarist = God.
And then it was home again.
Day 4 (12pm-3am)
Final day. Mario DeSilva said he'd try and get us back to see 1964: the tribute so we could get them to sign the quilt. :D YAY. But we got there a little late and didn't actually find Mario until about 6.30.
But before that.
George Harry's Son (Gavin Pring) played. Fantastic George impersonator. Sounds AND looks like him! Like whoa! And he was pretty darn hott.
A weird thing happened though. A guy i met in chicago while i was up there to see Paul Macca came down for the fest and started talking to us the night before. And while we were getting Gavin Pring's autograph it seemed like he was...filming us? uh...okay stalker? This man will henceforth be known as..."cheese".
So we ran away from cheese into the galt house. He followed. AHHH! We ran around trying to weave a maze so he could never find us...but then there he was...right around the next corner. HEART ATTACK CITY. And all he wanted was to tell us how cool my jacket was. Given that it WAS my Sgt. Pepper jacket, did he REALLY have to follow us all over hells half acre to tell me that? ><
Whatever. Anyway. We ran around a bit to hit the band on the Belvadear stage called Eight Days a Week - HAH! They played in Sgt. Pepper outfits! Wee! However, Cheese was there and was seemingly following us again. So off we ran through the pool area inside the galt house. again. we waited there about 5-10 minutes before going back out. He was gone and the band hadn't finished! Yay! They were pretty good, and we actually got the autographs without being filmed this time.
We sat in the shade a while as we listened to Instand Karma play...<3
We then decided we were hungry, so we walked to The Pub to eat. Three bad things about this...It started Raining. Our Waitress was a butt face. And my buffalo wings were way too hot :(. The rain stopped long enough for us to walk back to AROTR. That was around 6.30 pm and 1964 the tribute were supposed to play at 7.15...but...another freaking storm was coming through so they made everyone go inside. We went into the center for the arts, but Cheese was in there. As we were leaving we ran into Dennis! He wanted a picture, so he got one and all was well! Fun times! He still refused to take the 20 bucks back...silly head. We also ran into Elizabeth S. and Nina! They had tickets to the midnight show at the Galt house (which they later gave to us...WOOO!! FUN TIMES THANKS GUYS!) and then we met up with James DeSilva nd talked for a bit.
So we booked it across the lawn to the Galt House...where Stockwood (the cool little kids!) were set up in the connector of the two buldings! DEFYING NATURE! Rain cannot stop Beatles concerts! HAH! Evan (little ringo) didn't have a drum he just boogied with a tamborine the whole was precious. I want to adopt them :3
We boogied up there and the Jukebox showed up as well as Mark Staycer...we saw that man freaking EVERYWHERE. Not that i'm complaining or anything.
So we found out that 1964 were still going to play after rumours of cancelation. Ran out there and danced like fools (Cheese was out there somewhere...dundundun) and tried our DAMNEDEST to get all of 1964 to sign the blankie. We got all but ONE. ONE. Gary...the frickin paul. gr. oh well, it was fun anyways.
the final song was cool! all the bands got in stage and sang a few songs...and then it was after party time.
so the after party was AWESOME. Hosted by Hal Bruce of canada, who had just been inducted into the AROTR hall of fame. Bunches of guys from different bands played a bunch of songs...but most noteably...jukebox (who were slightly tipsy) got on stage with little john and ringo from stockwood...and the little john looked like he was having the time of his life dancing around the stage with the JukeBox. They were doing that sort of heavy metal 'all the guitarists get in a circle and jam' thing. He was grinning ear to made me happy x3
And then it was over...we said good bye and left. Can't wait for next year :D
So that's it for now...Pictures to be posted later! :D
Peace Love and Rock and Roll,
p.s. sorry about typos. It is now 5 writing at 3.30...took me a while didn't it? xD