Feb 14, 2006 17:24
so that date thing ended up being a waste of time, but whatever. i ended up going out for drinks with jesse and remembering that no one else matters but friends. and getting drunk and having fun. but usually one means the other.
so, i was surfing around facebook (as one will do when one is procrastinating) and it occured to me that i miss 'freshman' year. granted, it was hard and scary and very emotionally topsy turvy but hell, we had so much fun! i've grown a lot since then (as i think we all have) but there is a part of me that, for one night, would like to go back. and i wouldn't change a damn thing. but c'mon, like willis' head denting the cieling isn't something you'd like to go back and re-experience? and laura, not that i'd wish you to re-live the death of jean-claude grand am, that weekend was the first weekend that i met all you guys. well, you (laura), and meg, and gracie and hannah and willis and john and noah and al lthe people that i met through all you wonderful people - like nick and rachael and - oh, i just miss how much fun we had. not that we don't still have fun. but there was just something about everyday that year that felt so goddamn brand new. and it isn't like i don't have new fond memories of all the people i met that year, but it's funny to think about who we all were back then. and then look at who we are now. and be glad that we're no heroin jumkies in some abandoned building looking to score a hit.
you know what i mean?