I never thought I'd be writing this.

Jul 09, 2010 18:13

Today I did something I never thought I'd do.  Not in a million years, not home, and certainly not Beirut.

I watched a Twilight movie.  In the theater.  On opening night (here in Lebanon).

Reflections are as follows:

1)  By no means sophisticated, a hellova lot more watchable than the first two.  That could be due to hmmmm, thought?  Planning?  A somewhat engaging turn of events, and most notably, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.  Yep, most of the side characters whose jobs were soley to be mute, stoic background foliage adorning the almost unwatchable on-screen romance between Bella and Edward were fleshed out (no pun intended) with actual backstories, and shit, I even felt for some of them.

2)  Watching Taylor Lautner (Jacob) crack at Edward throughout the entire movie.  Seriously, not only is this guy the only one of the three leads who can act, he's also the only real likable character of the three as well.  I'm not one to swoon over a guy just because he's ripped, but I can definitely see the appeal of this guy, considering he's talented, not an idiot IRL, and well, Jacob almost NEVER puts a shirt on (a joke that's cracked in the movie).  Plus, I lol'd a little when he kisses Bella after getting her to realize she loves him too, telling her exactly all the good he'll do for her, and kisses her, and she punches  him in the face - and his wolf body breaks her fucking hand.  Bitch did dun got TOLD.

3)  I hate Bella Swan.  Kristen Stewart.  I hate Stewart's "hummingbird lashes" method of acting in place of lines, and I hate Stephanie Myers' written dialogue for her.  I mean, what High School student speaks like a goddamned adjunct college English teacher?

4)  Perhaps, MAYBE, in a parallel universe, if you took away the bullshit "sparkle" stuff, the atrocious dialogue written by Myers, hell, Meyers herself and brought in a different author, and you know, give the vampires a reason to whine about their state of being, the idea of the series wouldn't be that bad.  It's just...god...

If nothing else, it was an interesting experience to see a movie in a Beirut theater.  This one is located in what's called the ABC mall - it's REALLY nice, and i'm going back there with my stepsister Lori sometime for an entire day.  The theater was NICE - I mean, more swank than some of the ones in the states I've been to.  People did talk during the movie more than they do here - but the sound quality here was really nice, so I didn't notice too much.  People decided to obey the "no smoking" rule for this movie (sometimes they do it anyways), and apparently, they let you purchase booze and bring it in with you (Lebanese beer, which is REALLY good).  They have a lot of current movies in, mostly headliners like A-Team, Eclipse, Shrek, The Killers, Get Him To The Greek - but there's also a couple of older movies they're JUST getting now - like "NATALIE CIRCA SETSUCON '08" AKA "A HAUNTING IN CONNECTICUT". (here's looking at YOU Lindsey, lol)  But again, a pleasant theatrical experience.

Again, I'd like to be posting more photos and such, but the internet access here is VERY hit or miss - my father thinks there's something wrong with both the phone service the internet goes through, and potentially his router.  Worst comes to worst, he's going to be working a couple of days next week at the University, and there's free wi-fi there, so while he's occupied, I can do some uploading and blogging.

I miss all of you guys, especially the fact that I envision sharing these experiences with each and every one of you.

Take care for now!

Ok, I TOTALLY didn't say any of that.  I'm going to go to sleep, and wake up, and forget I ever posted this.
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